Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69) (17 lettori)


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(Reuters) - European leaders are committed to ensuring the survival of the euro and have enough money to meet obligations of heavily indebted member countries, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Monday.
On China, Bernanke said he was probably the only U.S. official who had attended every Strategic and Economic Dialogue since the enhanced program was started by former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson during the financial crisis.

He said the new format was particularly useful because it broadened discussions beyond traditional sticking points such as the value of China's currency.

He said China recognized that it has a "codependency" with the United States. China is the largest foreign buyer of U.S. government debt, while the United States is a vital trading partner for China.

"There is a real desire on both sides to engage," Bernanke said. "For me, that is a very important achievement to have those lines of communication be open."

Sharnin 2

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Ah ah ah :D l'India rivendica il Koh-i-noor, l'Inghilterra ha risposto picche. Per ora. Quando saranno ancora più sprofondati chissà?


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Ah ah ah :D l'India rivendica il Koh-i-noor, l'Inghilterra ha risposto picche. Per ora. Quando saranno ancora più sprofondati chissà?
Gli inglesi dicono che il diamante lo hanno legittimamente... rubato :lol:

A spokesman for the British High Commission in New Delhi said the government rejects India's claim and said the diamond had been "legitimately acquired." Its ownership is "non-negotiable."
India demands return of Koh i Noor diamond - Telegraph


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tensioni anche su Governativi Uk. Fitch ha fatto la sua solita sparata.
Motivo di questa discesa violentissima. A ruota tutti i Pigs.
Pound vendutissimo.

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