Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69) (13 lettori)


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Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy
Former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes has confounded claims by debunkers that the secret organization which met in Sitges Spain over the last few days does not set policy, admitting during a Belgian radio interview that Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement decisions that are formulated during the annual conference of power brokers.
In a radio interview reported on by the Belgian news website Zonnewind - Nieuws, Claes told host Koen Fillet that Bilderberg does indeed decide policy for the coming year. Claes would certainly be in a position to know, being a two-time Bilderberg attendee as well as the eighth Secretary General of NATO from 1994 until 1995.
Claes said that Bilderberg guests are normally given around 10 minutes of talk time, after which a report is compiled of their presentation.
“The participants are then obviously considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they affect,” stated Claes, according to the translated text.
The host asked Claes to repeat this astounding admission, before Claes went on to explain that no two guest are allowed to sit next to each other more than once at Bilderberg, to enable the maximum exchange of views on important subjects.
A Dutch-speaking reader sent us the article and confirms that the translation is accurate. This represents a solid confirmation of what we already knew through witnessing Bilderberg’s leaked agenda later play out in the real world time after time – that the elitist organization does verbally set global policy in a completely undemocratic and illegal manner.
However, despite Claes, who personally attended the 1994 Bilderberg meeting in Helsinki when he was Belgium’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, confirming the obvious that Bilderberg does manufacture a consensus amongst its participants, which is then implemented as policy in the real world, during the past few days numerous debunkers have claimed that Bilderberg is just a talking shop that has no impact on the global stage.

Interessante anche che Russia Today, che trasmette anche sul satellite da noi, sta martellando da tempo sui Bilderberg.
mmmmm mi sa che i Bilderberg non stanno tanto simpatici a Putin :D

Sharnin 2

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opssss :eek:

Former Nato Secretary-General Admits Bilderberg Sets Global Policy
Former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes has confounded claims by debunkers that the secret organization which met in Sitges Spain over the last few days does not set policy, admitting during a Belgian radio interview that Bilderberg attendees are mandated to implement decisions that are formulated during the annual conference of power brokers.
In a radio interview reported on by the Belgian news website Zonnewind - Nieuws, Claes told host Koen Fillet that Bilderberg does indeed decide policy for the coming year. Claes would certainly be in a position to know, being a two-time Bilderberg attendee as well as the eighth Secretary General of NATO from 1994 until 1995.
Claes said that Bilderberg guests are normally given around 10 minutes of talk time, after which a report is compiled of their presentation.
“The participants are then obviously considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they affect,” stated Claes, according to the translated text.
The host asked Claes to repeat this astounding admission, before Claes went on to explain that no two guest are allowed to sit next to each other more than once at Bilderberg, to enable the maximum exchange of views on important subjects.
A Dutch-speaking reader sent us the article and confirms that the translation is accurate. This represents a solid confirmation of what we already knew through witnessing Bilderberg’s leaked agenda later play out in the real world time after time – that the elitist organization does verbally set global policy in a completely undemocratic and illegal manner.
However, despite Claes, who personally attended the 1994 Bilderberg meeting in Helsinki when he was Belgium’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, confirming the obvious that Bilderberg does manufacture a consensus amongst its participants, which is then implemented as policy in the real world, during the past few days numerous debunkers have claimed that Bilderberg is just a talking shop that has no impact on the global stage.

Interessante anche che Russia Today, che trasmette anche sul satellite da noi, sta martellando da tempo sui Bilderberg.
mmmmm mi sa che i Bilderberg non stanno tanto simpatici a Putin :D
Oramai sono un po' troppo sputt. mi pare.


फूल की बुराई
stamattina su molti book del mot ed txl dei btp lunghi c'è stato vero e proprio panico , mentre sul btp future a parte la partenza si è poi virati in verde
messo sù qualche long su "fisico " si può dire ho fatto da avvoltoio :D però su tu mi vendi ad kazzum cosa vuoi caVo :squalo: avrà vita corta però


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Interest rates to stay low for "some time": Fed's Evans
Tue Jun 8, 2010 10:09am EDT

(Reuters) - Low inflation and high unemployment in the United States justify the Federal Reserve keeping benchmark interest rates ultra-low for "quite some time", Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said on Tuesday.

"We have a little bit more risk with the European situation; the (U.S.) outlook looks good but not so strong as to reduce the unemployment rate very quickly; I don't see inflationary pressures at the moment," Evans told business leaders in Chicago in response to an audience question.

"So I think we will continue to have an accommodative policy stance for quite some time," he said.

Evans, who is not a voter on the Fed's policy-setting Federal Open Market Committee this year, reiterated that the Fed's pledge to keep rates low for "an extended period" means about six months to him.


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(Reuters) - White House economic adviser Paul Volcker firmly opposes exempting banks from his proposed 'Volcker rule' when they make only small, or 'de minimis,' investments in hedge funds or private equity funds, according to a letter obtained by Reuters on Tuesday.

"I absolutely oppose any such modification" of the U.S. Senate's Wall Street reform bill, Volcker wrote in the May 17 letter to Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, head of the Senate's negotiating team going into conference committee talks this week with the U.S. House of Representatives on financial reform.

The Senate approved its reform bill -- without the 'de minimis' exemptions being sought by big banks -- on May 20.

The Volcker rule, as proposed in January by Volcker and President Barack Obama, would curb "proprietary trading" by banks for their own accounts unrelated to customers' needs, and their sponsorship of hedge funds and private equity funds.


(Reuters) - White House economic adviser Paul Volcker firmly opposes exempting banks from his proposed 'Volcker rule' when they make only small, or 'de minimis,' investments in hedge funds or private equity funds, according to a letter obtained by Reuters on Tuesday.

"I absolutely oppose any such modification" of the U.S. Senate's Wall Street reform bill, Volcker wrote in the May 17 letter to Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, head of the Senate's negotiating team going into conference committee talks this week with the U.S. House of Representatives on financial reform.

The Senate approved its reform bill -- without the 'de minimis' exemptions being sought by big banks -- on May 20.

The Volcker rule, as proposed in January by Volcker and President Barack Obama, would curb "proprietary trading" by banks for their own accounts unrelated to customers' needs, and their sponsorship of hedge funds and private equity funds.

goooood morning bbbanda

ecco , il gioco è alle ultime curve
o passa la 'de minimis' o no :)


e se la riforma fin dei mergans è ancora 'sui minimis',
i ruopei si dàn da fàr

Per questo, prosegue la lettera, «il ritorno di una forte volatilità sui mercati rende legittimo il fatto di interrogarsi su certe tecniche finanziarie e sull'utilizzo di certi prodotti derivati come le vendite allo scoperto e i credit default swap».
«Riteniamo - conclude la lettera di Merkel e Sarkozy - che vi sia un bisogno urgente che la commissione possa accelerare i suoi lavori in tema di rafforzamento del quadro regolatorio del mercato dei cds e delle vendite allo scoperto e possa presentare all'Ecofin in luglio l'insieme delle strade percorribili».
Con le recenti turbolenze sui mercati in seguito alla crisi dei debiti sovrani, la Germania, unica in Europa, ha bloccato le vendite allo scoperto per alcuni titoli. Una decisione che ha destato forti critiche, in quanto non concertata a livello europeo. Lo stesso ministro delle finanze di Parigi Christine Lagarde si era espressa duramente contro la mossa di Berlino. Incomprensioni quindi, tra due «azionisti di peso» dell'Unione europea, che, con questa la lettera congiunta, Parigi e Berlino intendono superare

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