Derivati USA: CME-CBOT-NYMEX-ICE BUND, TBOND and the middle of the guado (VM 69) (2 lettori)

Sharnin 2

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MILANO (MF-DJ)--Romano Prodi scende in campo a fianco di Bp. Secondo il Times londinese l'ex primo ministro italiano avrebbe accettato di far parte di un gruppo di consiglieri internazionali ad hoc del gruppo britannico che gestira' la crisi in corso anche sul piano dell'immagine.

Del comitato, si legge in MF, farebbero parte anche l'ex capo dello staff del presidente americano George W. Bush, Josh Boltern, e l'ex chairman della stessa BP, Peter Sutherland. Quest'ultimo e' anche chairman di Goldman Sachs International, ovvero la banca advisor del gruppo britannico che ha dimezzato la sua capitalizzazione di borsa nei 50 giorni successivi allo scoppio della piattaforma off-shore nel Golfo del Messico ma che ieri ha ripreso quota guadagnando il 10% sul Nyse dopo una mattinata tragica alla City. red/ste

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
June 11, 2010 02:06 ET (06:06 GMT)


फूल की बुराई
planet Ciaina , a maggio hanno avuto un boom sulle esportazioni incredibile

China overheating?

Posted by Gwen Robinson on Jun 11 09:46. Here’s a pop-quiz for China-watchers on Friday:
Does this:
Chinese inflation exceeds 3% target
Chinese inflation has exceeded the 3 per cent target set by the government for the year, at a time when wage pressures in the economy are intensifying, but other indicators released on Friday suggest that growth in China is slowing.
Consumer price inflation rose to 3.1 per cent in May from 2.8 per cent the month before, while factory gate inflation was also higher at 7.1 per cent, up from 6.8 per cent.
The continuing rise in consumer prices comes as an outbreak of strikes in several industrial areas of the country is raising the prospect of considerable wage inflation in China.
Plus this:
Chinese exports surge in May
Chinese exports jumped 48.5 per cent last month in spite of the financial crisis in Europe, again increasing pressure on Beijing to appreciate its currency against the US dollar.
The strong increase in exports, which was much bigger than expected by analysts, meant that China recorded a trade surplus in May of $19.5bn, compared with a $1.7bn surplus in April and a modest deficit in March.
The figures suggested that the economic problems in Europe, which is China’s largest export market, have yet to have any pronounced effect on demand for Chinese goods. However, economists cautioned that it could take several weeks before any difficulties in Europe would feed through to the trade numbers.
And this:
China’s property prices rise more-than-estimated 12.4%
China’s property prices rose at the second-fastest pace on record in May, showing little sign yet that the government crackdown on speculation will work to avert an asset-price bubble.
The 12.4 percent gain compared with a record 12.8 percent increase in April from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement its website. The data series, covering 70 cities, began in 2005. The value of sales slid 25 percent from the previous month.
… add up to an overheating economy?
As FT Alphaville noted on Thursday, some of the Chinese figures look good, especially the latest trade figures indicating there has been little fall-out from the eurozone’s crisis on China’s export sector. But stagflation risk is rising.
And judging by the increasingly menacing rhetoric out of the US, so is political pressure on Beijing for a renminbi appreciation against the dollar.
According to CLSA’s Christopher Wood, however, on the currency front, continuing concerns about a deterioration of European export markets are likely to dampen any willingness to allow the renminbi to appreciate.
Meanwhile, on the inexorable rise in Chinese property prices, Beijing is likely to maintain its tightening policy towards the residential property market through to the end of the third quarter at a minimum – or until there is a clear indication that property prices have started falling, possibly by as much as 20 per cent in Beijing and Shanghai, says Wood.
Meanwhile, wage hikes forced on Foxconn and other companies operating in China indicate imminent wage rises throughout coastal China, as well as an overall rise in minimum wage levels. Wood views this as “primarily as more of a positive for consumption than as a negative for exporters’ margins”.
The best way to ease the undeniable social tensions triggered by China’s property boom is to develop a social housing policy, notes Wood.
And indeed, the FT’s Beijing bureau chief Geoff Dyer writes on Friday that China’s plans for a residential property tax could pave the way for one of Beijing’s most “important social reforms in years”.
But, says Wood, it will be entirely up to the national government, as “neither local governments nor private developers are incentivised to build … low cost housing”.
China’s property prices are still key to the direction of Asian stock markets, in his view. He notes: “The correction in China, and therefore Asia, has further to run with 2300 on the Shanghai Composite Index still viewed as the likely support level. The index is unlikely to rally unless the property stocks commence a real rally”.
Plenty, then, to keep China-watchers busy.


Forumer storico
MILANO (MF-DJ)--Romano Prodi scende in campo a fianco di Bp. Secondo il Times londinese l'ex primo ministro italiano avrebbe accettato di far parte di un gruppo di consiglieri internazionali ad hoc del gruppo britannico che gestira' la crisi in corso anche sul piano dell'immagine.

Del comitato, si legge in MF, farebbero parte anche l'ex capo dello staff del presidente americano George W. Bush, Josh Boltern, e l'ex chairman della stessa BP, Peter Sutherland. Quest'ultimo e' anche chairman di Goldman Sachs International, ovvero la banca advisor del gruppo britannico che ha dimezzato la sua capitalizzazione di borsa nei 50 giorni successivi allo scoppio della piattaforma off-shore nel Golfo del Messico ma che ieri ha ripreso quota guadagnando il 10% sul Nyse dopo una mattinata tragica alla City. red/ste

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
June 11, 2010 02:06 ET (06:06 GMT)
Francamente non ci voglio credere.
L'immagine di una azienda inglese che ha distrutto per centinaia di anni il golfo del messico, e, grazie alla corrente del golfo, presto anche il resto dell'Oceano Atlantico ? e dobbiamo sperare che nel mediterraneo arrivi poca roba.
Di questo passo mi aspetto anche i consulenti di immagine per Hitler, per i vecchi gerarchi nazisti e per dittatori sanguinari di ogni specie.


Forumer storico
Benissimo :rolleyes: fra Goldman Prodi e Goldman Sutherland, possiamo concludere che questa gente può permettersi di steminare la vita negli oceani, che nessuno potrà mai fargli nulla, nessun giudice si permetterà mai di indagarli, nessun tribunale li giudicherà nè li condannerà
ma vaffanqulo :wall:

Peter Sutherland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He is non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (a registered UK broker-dealer, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs). He was previously non-executive chairman of BP and was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group until he was asked to leave the board when it had to be taken over by the UK government to avoid bankruptcy. He also formerly served on the board of ABB.
He is on the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group [citation needed], a chairman of the Trilateral Commission[1] and vice chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists.[2]

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