Bund, TBronx, il fiume giallo, una carryola di debiti (VM91)

f4f ha scritto:
beh , mica sprofonda
imbarca un pò d'acqua e basta

Giusto . . ! . . perchè per far affondare la nave . . ce ne vuole . . di falle . .

. . grosse .. molto grosse . . . ( sta sempre a galla .. !! )
Sembrano queste le cause.. aumento del salario minimo in Cina e nuovi tentativi di rallentare il mercato cinese domestico...

China May Halt Rate Tax on Bank Savings
Friday June 29, 4:27 am ET
China's Legislature Approves Bill to Allow Cabinet to Halt Interest Rate Tax on Bank Savings

SHANGHAI, China (AP) -- China's legislature approved a bill Friday that allows the Cabinet to suspend a 20 percent interest rate tax on bank savings -- a move aimed mainly at cooling the red-hot stock market.
Reducing or eliminating the tax would effectively raise the real interest rate on bank deposits, encouraging investors to keep their money in banks rather than shifting funds to the surging stock market.

The tax on earnings from bank savings was introduced in 1999 to encourage savers to spend more money.

The proposal to let the State Council, or Cabinet, decide on whether to suspend or reduce the tax was approved Friday by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Xinhua said.

The move is among measures mooted in the state-controlled media as a way to prevent stock prices from surging too high.

The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index fell 2.4 percent to 3,820.70 on Friday, as investors reacted to the news.
Anche Fugnoli diceva del rischio aumento salari sull'andamento delle imprese...

China Approves New Contract Labor Law
Friday June 29, 4:17 am ET
China's Legislature Approves New Contract Labor Law in Bid to Improve Basic Workers' Rights

BEIJING (AP) -- China passed a new contract labor law on Friday in a bid to improve basic worker rights amid widespread complaints of unpaid wages, forced labor and other abuses, state media said Friday.
The approval follows 18 months of deliberation and a rare government request for public comment on the law. It is expected to be the most significant change in Chinese labor rules in more than a decade by setting standards for labor contracts, use of temporary workers and severance pay.

The official Xinhua News Agency said the law was approved by the country's legislature, the National People's Congress, and is to take effect on Jan. 1 next year.
gipa69 ha scritto:
Anche Fugnoli diceva del rischio aumento salari sull'andamento delle imprese...


l'ultimo ''il rosso e il nero'' mi è sembrato, per la prima volta in due anni, poco ottimista ( non pessimista)

la mia posizione sul mercato rende TUTTO ciò che dico very biased.. stativi accuort' :rolleyes:
i manovratori vogliono arrivare ai dati delle 1430 esattamente al livello del close di ieri, 41700

what I'd say ... for the sake of precision
or, better,
to the face of the dick
gipa69 ha scritto:
Ma chi è la Briggi? :-?


dopo la posta!

Gentile Giomf,
allegato alla presente Le perverrà una petizione, firmata da autorevoli componenti della bbbanda ( da qui in avanti ''membri'', sineddoche non casuale), che Le chiedono gentilmente di posporre sine die la pubblicazione della foto da Lei incautamente minacciata di esposizione.
Ritenga dunque questa nostra come formale diffida e, qualora non desse seguito a tanto accorata richiesta, ritenga pure certa una reprimenda ufficiale anzichènò.
Cordialmente (per adesso) :P

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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