Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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It's time to play the game
Ogni giorno ha la sua pena...
U.S. stock futures tumbled Thursday night after President Donald Trump announced new tariffs against all products imported from Mexico, saying that they would stay in effect until the illegal immigration problem was solved.
“On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP,” Trump tweeted. “The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied at which time the Tariffs will be removed.”
In a separate statement, Trump blamed Mexico for not doing enough to stop illegal immigrants from Central America crossing into the U.S., saying “Mexico has not treated us fairly.”
Trump said the tariffs will rise to 10% on July 1 if the crisis persists, and by another 5% for every successive month, up to 25% by Oct. 1. “Tariffs will permanently remain at the 25 percent level unless and until Mexico substantially stops the illegal inflow of aliens coming through its territory,” Trump said.
Trump said he is enacting the tariffs under the 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act, which gives the president the authority to regulate commerce during a national emergency.

Io cerco sempre di essere il più equilibrato possibile, ma questo va internato all'istante...
Ovviamente indici in rosso...


It's time to play the game
Sono perfettamente d'accordo. Va eliminato dalla faccia della terra in qualunque maniera.

La Cina ha accusato l'amministrazione Trump di aver commesso "terrorismo economico", in un nuovo capitolo della crescente tensione commerciale tra i due Paesi. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Secondo quanto riporta il network americano, il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri, Lu Kang, ha affermato a Pechino che la Casa Bianca ha "arrecato ingenti danni all'economia di altri paesi e agli stessi Stati Uniti". Lu ha descritto la politica commerciale degli Stati Uniti come "tipico terrorismo economico, egemonismo economico e unilateralismo economico".
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