Certificati di investimento - Cap. 2 (2 lettori)

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Telecom Italia has opened formal talks with the owners of Open Fiber about “possible forms of integration” of the two networks. FT


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Ciao a tutti, questo certificato
DE000CZ446Z0 commersbank su fiat ed unicredit , scadenza 2022 non fa prezzo né in denaro che in lettera dal 29 Maggio 2019. Come può essere possibile? dov'è il M.M. grazie


It's time to play the game
Ciao a tutti, questo certificato
DE000CZ446Z0 commersbank su fiat ed unicredit , scadenza 2022 non fa prezzo né in denaro che in lettera dal 29 Maggio 2019. Come può essere possibile? dov'è il M.M. grazie
Cbkbktufcccpxpab75%E190922 - Borsa Italiana

Borsa Italiana lo indica sia in bid che in ask (fondo pagina, sulla sinistra)... se il MM non si presenta mai, andrebbe segnalato...


Forumer storico

U.S. airstrikes against Iran were called off at the last minute Thursday night, according to the New York Times. The Times reported President Donald Trump had approved attacks against limited Iranian targets, such as radar stations and missile batteries, and planes were in the air before they were ordered to stand down. ABC News confirmed Trump called off the attack abruptly, reportedly against the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton. Tensions had ratcheted up Thursday after Iran shot down a U.S. drone. It was unclear why the airstrikes were canceled, the Times reported, and it was also unclear if they would still be carried out at a later date. The FAA late Thursday prohibited U.S. carriers from flying over Iranian-controlled airspace above the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, citing the risk of an accidental shootdown.
Il buono a nulla, capace di tutto.
Ultima modifica:


It's time to play the game
Vedi l'allegato 516609
U.S. airstrikes against Iran were called off at the last minute Thursday night, according to the New York Times. The Times reported President Donald Trump had approved attacks against limited Iranian targets, such as radar stations and missile batteries, and planes were in the air before they were ordered to stand down. ABC News confirmed Trump called off the attack abruptly, reportedly against the advice of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton. Tensions had ratcheted up Thursday after Iran shot down a U.S. drone. It was unclear why the airstrikes were canceled, the Times reported, and it was also unclear if they would still be carried out at a later date. The FAA late Thursday prohibited U.S. carriers from flying over Iranian-controlled airspace above the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, citing the risk of an accidental shootdown.
Il buono a nulla capace di tutto.

No, dai... di qualcosa è stato capace... ormai non esce un dato positivo neanche per sbaglio...

La lettura preliminare dell' indice Pmi stilato da Markit/Nikkei per il mese di giugno scende a 49,5 punti dai 49,8 punti del dato finale di maggio, segnando la lettura piu' bassa da marzo.
Il dato e' inferiore alla soglia di 50 punti che separa crescita da recessione.


It's time to play the game
La Banca nazionale cinese ha iniettato 41,56 miliardi di dollari di liquidità al sistema bancario tramite operazioni di mercato aperto, quattro volte di più rispetto alla settimana scorsa.


Forumer storico
Ciao a tutti, questo certificato
DE000CZ446Z0 commersbank su fiat ed unicredit , scadenza 2022 non fa prezzo né in denaro che in lettera dal 29 Maggio 2019. Come può essere possibile? dov'è il M.M. grazie

penso sia un problema della tua piattaforma, sta quotando "regolarmente" ( ieri è uscito dal book alle 9:11 per non fare più ritorno, ma i giorni precedenti era regolare)
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