Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (3 lettori)

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Deaths due to COVID-19 Delta variant among fully vaccinated: Scientists are not alarmed
  • The U.K., considered as a bellwether of the post-pandemic world, has recorded a small number of so-called breakthrough COVID-19 cases leading to questions over vaccine efficacy.
  • According to Our World in Data, as of July 01, the U.K. has fully vaccinated nearly 49% of its population. Approximately 66% of people have received at least one COVID-19 shot.
  • However, the country is caught up in an uptick in case numbers as the highly transmissible Delta variant spread accounting for 146K identified cases over the past week, up 72% from a week ago. Currently, the prevalence of the Delta variant in the U.K. stands at 97%.
  • There were 100 deaths among 92K cases recorded due to the Delta variant. And 50 of those who died — 46% — have received the two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, The Wall Street Journal reported citing data from Public Health England.
  • Yet, the scientists are not sounding the caution as they point out that none of the vaccines authorized by regulators are 100% effective in the prevention of COVID-19.
  • Furthermore, the immune responses of different individuals vary. The elderly and those who have a weaker immune system are less likely to mount a strong immune response as might be expected from younger and healthier individuals.
  • The other reason: Even if the vaccination cuts the COVID-related risk of death by 95% in the elderly, the mortality risk of a fully immunized elderly person might still be higher than that faced by a much younger person even with no vaccination against COVID-19.
  • According to data from the U.K., all 50 Delta-variant-related deaths reported among fully vaccinated people were in those aged 50 years and older.
  • Based on late-stage studies, the messenger-RNA-based vaccines from Pfizer (NYSE:PFE)/BioNTech (NASDAQ:BNTX) and Moderna (NASDAQ:MRNA) had about 95% efficacy in the prevention of COVID-19.
  • Meanwhile, the vector-based shots from Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and AstraZeneca (NASDAQ:AZN) showed 66% and ~70% overall efficacy levels, respectively.


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The United Arab Emirates said it rejects a plan by other members of OPEC+ to extend the group’s agreement to curb oil production beyond April 2022, unless it’s allowed to have a higher baseline for its own cuts.
The UAE on Friday blocked an OPEC+ deal that cartel leaders Russia and Saudi Arabia had hashed out to increase supply, demanding better terms for itself. After two days of bitter talks, and with the UAE the only holdout, ministers halted negotiations until Monday, leaving markets in limbo as oil continued its surge above $75 a barrel.
The UAE said it agreed that the 23-nation group should raise output by 400,000 barrels a day each month from August, but that the idea of extending the OPEC+ supply agreement -- reached in early 2020 at the start of the coronavirus pandemic -- should be treated separately.
“The UAE is for an unconditional increase of production, which the market requires,” Energy Minister Suhail Al-Mazrouei told Bloomberg Television on Sunday. Yet the decision to extend the deal until the end of 2022 is “unnecessary to take now. We still have eight to nine months in this agreement, and we’re talking about plenty of time for this to be discussed at a later stage.”
Under the 2020 agreement, the UAE has a baseline production figure of 3.2 million barrels a day.
“That’s totally unfair and unsustainable” given the country now has the ability to pump well above that, Al-Mazrouei said. BBG


Utente Old Style
Pare che oltre ad infettarsi, un vaccinato possa anche trasmettere il virus, nonostante possa superarlo in modo lieve o asintomatico.
Forse le persone molto fragili potrebbero comunque avere problemi, ma a questo punto diciamo anche che ogni anno muoiono di queste persone fragili per normali influenze (ecco perchè si fa il vaccino antiinfluenzale).
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