Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (4 lettori)

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Ok grazie ma io volevo sapere come si fa a comprare in bid dato che l'acquisto che si fa e' sempre riferito al prezzo in ask
Ci si mette in bid a un valore leggermente superiore al MM (in bid) e inferiore all ask del MM e si vede se qualcuno "ci serve". Un po come buttare l amo in mare e vedere se abbocca quqlche pesce..


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DJ Dufry 1H Below Expectations Shows Travel Is Still Vulnerable -- Market Talk
Ora: 10/08/2021 09:46
Testo: 0746 GMT - Dufry's performance in the first half of the year reflects an overall still vulnerable travel situation, Baader Helvea says. The Swiss travel retailer's results in the period fell short of expectations with revenue of CHF1.19 billion 4% below consensus, according to Baader. However, the company showed some slight improvements in July and should expect continued improvements on the easing of coronavirus-related restrictions, analysts say. "The travel/tourism situation should improve throughout the year on the back of the global vaccination progress," the research firm says. The travel industry is estimated to return to pre-pandemic levels only in 2022-2024, Baader says. ([email protected])

Spero proprio che sia così a partire dall'anno prossimo visto l'andamento corrispondente del certificato GB00BKN4VD87, che dopodomani pagherà comunque la maxicedola del 15% (da cui il corrispondente calo di oggi).
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