Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4

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Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has launched a Twitter poll of his 62.6 million followers asking if he should sell 10% of his shares.
The vote, which closes later on Sunday, could see him dispose of $21bn (£16bn) of stock in the electric carmaker.
He promised to abide by the result of the poll, a response to a "billionaires tax" proposed by US Democrats.
The plan could see Mr Musk, who is one of the world's richest men, face a huge tax bill.
By late morning on Sunday, with about 8 hours to go before the poll closes, 57% of the 2.8 million respondents had voted "yes". (BBC news)
Dati chiave Domani la Germania pubblicherà i dati dell'indice Zew, mercoledì quelli sull'inflazione, attesi anche per gli Usa. Lo stesso giorno l'Istat diffonde i dati sulla produzione industriale di settembre e la nota mensile sull'andamento dell'economia ad ottobre. Giovedì si conosceranno i dati del Pil del terzo trimestre e della produzione industriale del Regno Unito, venerdì la produzione industriale Ue e la fiducia dei consumatori Usa.

Trimestrali Tra le aziende che riportano i loro risultati periodici, si segnalano oggi PayPal e SoftBank, domani Bayer e Mediaset, mercoledì Adidas e Walt Disney, giovedì ArcelorMittal, Pirelli, Poste Italiane, Qualcomm, Siemens, Tencent e Uber, venerdì AstraZeneca.
Da monitorare DE000VQ7XV30.Rilevamento il 17/11 per una eventuale autocall.Tutti e 3 sopra strike di poco ma con sottostanti come Snap e Twitter abbastanza volatili.Comprarlo intorno a 94-95 non sembra male
Tesla billionaire Elon Musk has launched a Twitter poll of his 62.6 million followers asking if he should sell 10% of his shares.
The vote, which closes later on Sunday, could see him dispose of $21bn (£16bn) of stock in the electric carmaker.
He promised to abide by the result of the poll, a response to a "billionaires tax" proposed by US Democrats.
The plan could see Mr Musk, who is one of the world's richest men, face a huge tax bill.
By late morning on Sunday, with about 8 hours to go before the poll closes, 57% of the 2.8 million respondents had voted "yes". (BBC news)

A majority of 3.5 million Twitter users -- 58% -- said they’d support such a sale in a Twitter poll that Musk launched Saturday and closed shortly after 2:15 p.m. Sunday in New York. The stake would be valued at about $21 billion based on 170.5 million Tesla shares he holds.
“I was prepared to accept either outcome,” Musk said in a tweet after the poll closed.
Leonardo. Secondo indiscrezioni, il governo indiano avrebbe deciso di togliere dalla lista nera la società, a breve la marina militare potrebbe procedere con l’acquisto di una partita di siluri.
SoftBank reported a $3.5 billion loss as Beijing’s moves against Alibaba, Didi and others hit the value of the Japanese tech investor’s portfolio
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