Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4 (16 lettori)

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Utente Old Style
Sony announced plans to explore the commercial launch of electric vehicles at the CES trade show in Las Vegas. The Japanese conglomerate, which also unveiled a new prototype electric SUV, will launch Sony Mobility in the spring, a new company aimed at muscling into the EV space.


Utente Old Style


Utente Old Style
KFC will start selling fake chicken made by Beyond Meat in its restaurants nationally next Monday, for a limited time until supplies run out, the two companies announced, calling it a “Kentucky Fried Miracle.”

  • The Yum! Brands company has been testing plant-based chicken products in its restaurants since 2019, in locations such as Atlanta, Nashville, and Charlotte. It also tested the plant-based fried chicken in Southern California in 2020, selling out in a week.
  • Beyond Meat stock soared 9% on Tuesday after word of the offering. The two companies made an agreement a year ago where Beyond would make meat substitutes for KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.
  • The two are counting on a number of people choosing to eat more plant-based food in the New Year. Mexican food chain Chipotle unveiled its plant-based chorizo sausage on Monday.
  • Beyond Meat had initial success in grocery stores and then faltered. Its shares are down 50% in the past year, and the company reported disappointing third-quarter results, with a gloomy sales outlook.
What’s Next: McDonald’s has been testing a plant-based burger called McPlant in eight locations and is expected to expand the rollout this year, possibly by the end of the first quarter, as a limited time offer.


Be the change you want to see
KFC will start selling fake chicken made by Beyond Meat in its restaurants nationally next Monday, for a limited time until supplies run out, the two companies announced, calling it a “Kentucky Fried Miracle.”

  • The Yum! Brands company has been testing plant-based chicken products in its restaurants since 2019, in locations such as Atlanta, Nashville, and Charlotte. It also tested the plant-based fried chicken in Southern California in 2020, selling out in a week.
  • Beyond Meat stock soared 9% on Tuesday after word of the offering. The two companies made an agreement a year ago where Beyond would make meat substitutes for KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.
  • The two are counting on a number of people choosing to eat more plant-based food in the New Year. Mexican food chain Chipotle unveiled its plant-based chorizo sausage on Monday.
  • Beyond Meat had initial success in grocery stores and then faltered. Its shares are down 50% in the past year, and the company reported disappointing third-quarter results, with a gloomy sales outlook.
What’s Next: McDonald’s has been testing a plant-based burger called McPlant in eight locations and is expected to expand the rollout this year, possibly by the end of the first quarter, as a limited time offer.
Già solo pensare di mangiare questa pseudo-cerne vegetale mi fa rabbrividire. E vedendo il successo nei negozi alimentari che ha avuto Beyond mi darebbe ragione perchè dopo la fase iniziale, cioè dopo che la gente l'ha assaggiata, c'è stato un brusco calo. Se poi ora subentra pure la concorrenza a posto stiamo. A meno che non diventiamo tutti vegetariani, vegani con particolare predilezione per la plastica. E lo dice uno che ha comprato cert con sottostante Beyond facendo un clamoroso errore
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