Certificati di investimento - Cap. 4

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Ti pregherei a questo punto di indicarmi l'ISIN che tu utilizzi sul Ftse-MIB in modo che io lo possa verificare per alcuni giorni e confrontare cn quello che ho usato ultimamente (NL0014089666)
Stamattina ho venduto sullo spunto iniziale in negativo del Ftse-MIB (-0,62%) il terzultimo lotto (dei 6 che avevo inserito in portafoglio ultimamente) allo stesso prezzo del corrispondente lotto acquistato.
Ciao, in questi giorni ho approfondito il discorso che facevamo, attraverso parecchi confronti tra mini e turbo e contattando BNP, che ha un servizio clienti molto valido per questi prodotti. C'è una differenza in più rispetto a quelle che avevo evidenziato. I turbo (non unlimited) prezzano sulla base del futures per quella scadenza. I mini invece prezzano sulla base del prezzo spot. Questo comporta che i turbo siano sensibili alle variazioni di dividendi attesi nel periodo e ai tassi di interesse, cose che non accadono per i mini (per i dividendi lo strike viene modificato di conseguenza, quindi sono immuni dalle variazioni nei dividendi attesi). Non so se mi sono spiegato bene, ma volevo completare il discorso. Comunque mio consiglio per chiunque li usi è di approfondire bene i meccanismi che li regolano, sono molto più complessi di quanto sembri.
La carenza di chip sta avendo un "effetto valanga" poiché i produttori di automobili stanno mettendo in pausa una parte di capacità per dare priorità alla costruzione di modelli redditizi, ha detto Anwar di Strategy Analytics, che prevede un calo della produzione di auto in Europa e Nord America del 5% -10% nel 2021.

Il presidente e Ceo del produttore di chip franco-italiano STMicroelectronics , Jean-Marc Chery, prevede che i limiti di capacità interesseranno le case automobilistiche fino a metà anno.
Reuters sul calo di RWE.

RWE said part of its onshore wind fleet in Texas had been partly out of service from Feb. 9 because of icing and grid issues that have dealt a major blow to the second-largest U.S. state.

“Priority number one is to safely resume operations at our production sites,” said Silvia Ortín Rios, chief operating officer, wind onshore and solar photovoltaics Americas, at RWE’s renewables division.

Hundreds of thousands of homes in Texas are coping without heat for a fourth day on Thursday after utilities made some progress restoring power while freezing temperatures are expected to last through Saturday.

The crisis has led power prices to spike as high demand from residential heating clashed with lower availability of plants, RWE said, forcing the company to buy volumes for as much as $9,000 per megawatt hour to meet its supply obligations.

The United States is RWE’s top renewables market, accounting for 38% of its roughly 9 gigawatts of installed renewables capacity.

Shares in Europe’s third-largest renewables player were down 2.1% to 31.76 euros at 0858 GMT.
Allora tra
Reuters sul calo di RWE.

RWE said part of its onshore wind fleet in Texas had been partly out of service from Feb. 9 because of icing and grid issues that have dealt a major blow to the second-largest U.S. state.

“Priority number one is to safely resume operations at our production sites,” said Silvia Ortín Rios, chief operating officer, wind onshore and solar photovoltaics Americas, at RWE’s renewables division.

Hundreds of thousands of homes in Texas are coping without heat for a fourth day on Thursday after utilities made some progress restoring power while freezing temperatures are expected to last through Saturday.

The crisis has led power prices to spike as high demand from residential heating clashed with lower availability of plants, RWE said, forcing the company to buy volumes for as much as $9,000 per megawatt hour to meet its supply obligations.

The United States is RWE’s top renewables market, accounting for 38% of its roughly 9 gigawatts of installed renewables capacity.

Shares in Europe’s third-largest renewables player were down 2.1% to 31.76 euros at 0858 GMT.
Allora tra le variabili che influiscono sull'andamento dei sottostanti i certificati e la loro volatilità dobbiamo aggiungere anche le previsioni meteo.....
Reuters sul calo di RWE.

RWE said part of its onshore wind fleet in Texas had been partly out of service from Feb. 9 because of icing and grid issues that have dealt a major blow to the second-largest U.S. state.

“Priority number one is to safely resume operations at our production sites,” said Silvia Ortín Rios, chief operating officer, wind onshore and solar photovoltaics Americas, at RWE’s renewables division.

Hundreds of thousands of homes in Texas are coping without heat for a fourth day on Thursday after utilities made some progress restoring power while freezing temperatures are expected to last through Saturday.

The crisis has led power prices to spike as high demand from residential heating clashed with lower availability of plants, RWE said, forcing the company to buy volumes for as much as $9,000 per megawatt hour to meet its supply obligations.

The United States is RWE’s top renewables market, accounting for 38% of its roughly 9 gigawatts of installed renewables capacity.

Shares in Europe’s third-largest renewables player were down 2.1% to 31.76 euros at 0858 GMT.
Grazie per l'aggiornamento
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