Come faccio ad abbracciarvi tutti in un unico 3d?

sono 36$...mi costa più di commissione quasi
a 1 euro arriva testina :D

dimmi se e' bona sta notizia :D

Bank of America maintain its “Underperform” ratings on Alcoa Incorporation (NYSE: AA) and Century Aluminum Company (NASDAQ: CENX), post release of the aluminum inventory data for the month of November by the International Aluminum Institute (IAI [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]).
During the month of November, IAI aluminum inventories (unwrought) were 1.1mt worldwide, down 5.6% on a sequential basis and down 29% vs. last year. Inventories are down 16% YTD and down 33% from peak levels earlier this year. Inventories have declined as global production has been cut 7% YTD.
Inventory days on hand were 54 in November, up vs. 53 days in October. Days on hand have declined from a peak of 68 in May ’09. Inventory days last bottomed at 22 in 2007 and last peaked at 111 days in 1993. Bank of America said that it expects days of supply to remain elevated as Chinese production continues to increase and underlying demand in US/Europe remains weak. IAI inventories have been on a declining trend since 3Q08 while LME inventories have stabilized since midyear. Primary inventories remain stable near the 6mt level.
The research analyst at the firm, Kuni M. Chen, added that he continued to expect supply to outpace demand in 2010. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Commodities Team is forecasting a 2mt surplus for 2010. Annualized production is currently running at a 39mt pace while apparent demand is around 37mt. The research analysts further expect aluminum to lag other metals in a recovery and hence the “Underperform” ratings on Alcoa Incorporation and Century Aluminum Company.
Oggi in officina ho tirato un 2 conti ...

udite udite... 1 anno fa l'alluminio lo pagavamo 6,5 7 € al kg adesso lo paghiamo 3.5€ 4€

morale: lo scafo della barca ci costa circa il 40% in meno .......

si parte a Marzo

ciao a tutti
a 1 euro arriva testina :D

dimmi se e' bona sta notizia :D

Bank of America maintain its “Underperform” ratings on Alcoa Incorporation (NYSE: AA) and Century Aluminum Company (NASDAQ: CENX), post release of the aluminum inventory data for the month of November by the International Aluminum Institute (IAI [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]).
During the month of November, IAI aluminum inventories (unwrought) were 1.1mt worldwide, down 5.6% on a sequential basis and down 29% vs. last year. Inventories are down 16% YTD and down 33% from peak levels earlier this year. Inventories have declined as global production has been cut 7% YTD.
Inventory days on hand were 54 in November, up vs. 53 days in October. Days on hand have declined from a peak of 68 in May ’09. Inventory days last bottomed at 22 in 2007 and last peaked at 111 days in 1993. Bank of America said that it expects days of supply to remain elevated as Chinese production continues to increase and underlying demand in US/Europe remains weak. IAI inventories have been on a declining trend since 3Q08 while LME inventories have stabilized since midyear. Primary inventories remain stable near the 6mt level.
The research analyst at the firm, Kuni M. Chen, added that he continued to expect supply to outpace demand in 2010. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Commodities Team is forecasting a 2mt surplus for 2010. Annualized production is currently running at a 39mt pace while apparent demand is around 37mt. The research analysts further expect aluminum to lag other metals in a recovery and hence the “Underperform” ratings on Alcoa Incorporation and Century Aluminum Company.

tu sei matto da legare!!!!!!!!!!!

200 anesiva!!!!
che commissioni hai per tradare con 36$?

anche iao le bona ;)

da come si e' rimessa in carreggiata la notizia pare bona :D maniimpastate non mente ;)

sopra 10600 di down e cosi' sara';)

anche iao le bona ;)

da come si e' rimessa in carreggiata la notizia pare bona :D maniimpastate non mente ;)

sopra 10600 di down e cosi' sara';)

vecchio questo grafo e gia postato.......


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Oggi in officina ho tirato un 2 conti ...

udite udite... 1 anno fa l'alluminio lo pagavamo 6,5 7 € al kg adesso lo paghiamo 3.5€ 4€

morale: lo scafo della barca ci costa circa il 40% in meno .......

si parte a Marzo

ciao a tutti
ma va' davvero?:eek:

2 mesi fa' ho venduto 6 quintali d'alluminio perche' non sapevo piu' dove metterlo , mi hanno dato come un paio di scarpe:wall:

ora finalmente capisci che parliamo di un quazzo ma solo di fregnacce :D

mi fa' piacere toccare con mano le cose si assimila meglio ;)
ma va' davvero?:eek:

2 mesi fa' ho venduto 6 quintali d'alluminio perche' non sapevo piu' dove metterlo , mi hanno dato come un paio di scarpe:wall:

ora finalmente capisci che parliamo di un quazzo ma solo di fregnacce :D

mi fa' piacere toccare con mano le cose si assimila meglio ;)

era ancora + basso l'alu circa 3 €, è risalito... cmq è un bel risparmio....

Inox idem

p.s si torna al pre lehman quindi oltre i 10600 ...

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