current drought conditions ???


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I planted an ocotillo about 10 years ago. When I planted it there were about a half dozen branches and it was about 5 ft tall. Now it is almost 7 foot tall and has 10-15 branches. My problem is that it NEVER blooms - all the other ocotillos in my neighborhood have been blooming profusely for the last couple of weeks. And it never gets many leaves, even after the monsoon starts in July.

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I planted an ocotillo about 10 years ago. When I planted it there were about a half dozen branches and it was about 5 ft tall. Now it is almost 7 foot tall and has 10-15 branches. My problem is that it NEVER blooms - all the other ocotillos in my neighborhood have been blooming profusely for the last couple of weeks. And it never gets many leaves, even after the monsoon starts in July. I live in the Sonoran Desert at about 2500 ft altitude. Maybe a special fertilizer? Watering suggestions? My neighbors have LARGE ocottilos in their yards that are NEVER watered (only rain) Nox Vidmate VLC and they all look fine, even in our current drought conditions ???
I planted an ocotillo about 10 years ago. When I planted it there were about a half dozen branches and it was about 5 ft tall. Now it is almost 7 foot tall and has 10-15 branches. My problem is that it NEVER blooms - all the other ocotillos in my neighborhood have been blooming profusely for the last couple of weeks. And it never gets many leaves, even after the monsoon starts in July. I live in the Sonoran Desert at about 2500 ft altitude. Maybe a special fertilizer? Watering suggestions? My neighbors have LARGE ocottilos in their yards that are NEVER watered (only rain) Nox Vidmate VLC and they all look fine, even in our current drought conditions ???
Tout d'abord, lorsque vous parlez à un Européen continental, évitez d'utiliser ces unités impériales ridicules, mais utilisez des unités métriques. (Et à cet égard, on se demande comment diable il était possible que vous, les Américains, ayez atteint la Lune avec des unités de mesure ridicules comme l'once, le gallon, le pied, etc.)

Ceci dit, essayez de chier sur vos plantes et surtout vérifiez que l'acidité de votre sol est compatible avec ce que veut la plante.

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