Obbligazioni in default Default Season 2009

Safilo in dirittura d'arrivo per un bel default estivo...

Italy-Based Safilo SpA Rating Cut To 'CC' On Efforts To Defer The June Payment Of Principal On Loan; Outlook Negative

-- Safilo is in discussion with its senior lenders regarding a deferral of the payment of the amortizing Facility A of its senior bank loan.
-- In our view, Safilo's financial flexibility is fragile and the company urgently needs to secure its liquidity position.-- We are lowering to 'CC' from 'CCC+' the long-term corporate credit rating on Safilo.
-- The negative outlook reflects Safilo's stretched liquidity level, which could trigger a default in the very near future.

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) June 24, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it lowered to 'CC' from 'CCC+' its long-term corporate credit rating on Italy-based eyewear manufacturer Safilo SpA.

The outlook is negative. At the same time, we lowered to 'C' from 'CCC' the issue rating on the €195 million 9.625% second-lien notes due 2013 issued by Safilo Capital International S.A. The recovery rating on the debt is unchanged at '5', indicating our expectation of modest (10%-30%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

In addition, Standard & Poor's removed all ratings from CreditWatch, where they were placed with negative implications on Feb. 13, 2009. The downgrade follows Safilo's announcement on June 23, 2009, that it is in discussion with its senior lenders regarding a covenant amendment and a deferral of the June 30, 2009, payment of the amortizing facility A of its senior bank loan due in December 2011.

"In our view, this request reflects Safilo's increasingly fragile position due to ongoing operating underperformance and the need to secure its liquidity position," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Diego Festa.

According to Safilo's unaudited results, net sales in the first quarter of financial 2009 were down by 11.7% year on year, and EBITDA was down by 35.4%. The EBITDA margin fell 380 basis points to 10.5%.

In light of falling revenues, Safilo's high fixed costs--including those for marketing, staff, and operating leases--weigh even more heavily on profitability. In the same period, free operating cash flow was negative at €42.8 million from negative €17.4 million in 2007. This decline was the main cause of an increase in reported net debt to €617.7 million from €570.0 million on Dec. 31, 2008.

On March 31, 2009, the annualized ratio of reported net debt to EBITDA was 5.6x.

We could lower the ratings to 'D' (default) or 'SD' (selective default) if Safilo were to fail to meet any of its obligations. We could also lower the corporate credit ratings to 'D' upon a completion of a distressed exchange offer, which under Standard & Poor's methodology means any offer constituting less than the original promise without adequate offsetting compensation.

A positive rating action could occur if Safilo secures the necessary funding to mitigate the current negative cash flow trends and pressure on its liquidity position
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dove si potrebbe postare news circa le ristrutturazioni di bond in circolazione?
qui c'e' quello di HTM SPORT

Ciao Cangiante, se non c'è un 3d apposito sull'emittente, ti suggerirei di aprirne uno ex novo...

Fra l'altro HTM lo ricordo dai tempi di FOL, si era fatto su un discreto lavoro su di un 3D che dovrebbe ancora "stazionare" da quelle parti... ;)
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Mark, mi scuso con te e con tutti quanti se non apro i due thread ma mi trovo in un periodo in cui non riesco a dedicare il tempo che la cosa meriterebbe

mi riprometto di farlo piu' avanti

Quando hai la possibilità, ove ti tornasse comodo, considera che qui puoi anche chiedere ai moderatori di raccoglierti in un unico 3D post sparsi su più 3D e riguardanti argomenti simili.
forse potrebbe essere opportuno aprire un thread apposito per le ristrutturazioni di bond, cosa dici?

L'idea è carina, ma rischia di finirci dentro un po' troppa roba: ad esempio abbiamo un 3D su NXP, uno sulle banche kazake... e temo che - oltre a Escada e HTM - altri siano in dirittura di arrivo...

Mi viene da pensare che forse aprirne uno per emittente fungerebbe anche come elemento di richiamo per chi ha bond di quell'issuer (ed il numero di frequentatori aiuta nel monitoraggio) mentre se mettiamo tutto insieme, si rischia che chi ha un bond e cerca sul web l'emittente che sta ristrutturando non si accorga della trattazione del tema specifico che interessa a lui...
Safilo in selective default avendo ottenuto dai creditori bancari di non pagare una trance di un loan cd "amortizing", per la quale è stato accordato nuovo termine al 31 dicembre prossimo.

Safilo ha tuttavia manifestato verbalmente a S&P l'intenzione di voler continuare a tenere fede alle altre obbligazioni nei confronti dei creditori.

Non dovesse farcela, o dovesse essere costretta a ristrutturare il debito, il rating passerebbe a D.

Italy-Based Safilo SpA Downgraded To 'SD' (Selective Default) On Deferral Of Repayment Of Principal Debt

-- Italy-based eyewear manufacturer Safilo has agreed with senior creditors to defer the repayment of €19 million principal debt due June 20, 2009.
-- Under Standard & Poor's methodology, this deferral of the debt maturity is tantamount to a selective default.
-- Therefore we are lowering to 'SD' from 'CC' the long-term corporate credit rating on Safilo.

LONDON (Standard & Poor's) July 3, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today that it lowered to 'SD' (Selective Default) from 'CC' its long-term corporate credit rating on Italy-based eyewear manufacturer Safilo SpA. At the same time, we affirmed our 'C' issue rating on the €195 million 9.625% second-lien notes due 2013 issued by Safilo Capital International S.A. The recovery rating on the debt is unchanged at '5', indicating our expectation of modest (10%-30%) recovery in the event of a payment default.

The downgrade follows Safilo's announcement on July 2, 2009, that it has agreed with its senior lenders to defer the repayment of about €19 million of the unrated €129 amortizing facility A of its senior bank loan due December 2011. The initial payment fell due on June 30, 2009, and lenders have agreed to postpone the payment to Dec. 31, 2009. Lenders have also agreed a waiver on the maintenance covenant set for the aforementioned loan at the test date of June 30, 2009.

"Under Standard & Poor's methodology, we consider the extension of a debt maturity as tantamount to a restructuring below par by a distressed issuer, and therefore a default," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Diego Festa.

Safilo has verbally confirmed that it remained current on the payment of all other financial obligations, therefore we view the extension of the maturity of Safilo's amortizing facility A as a selective default. Our default definitions include payment defaults on both rated and unrated financial obligations.

We will monitor Safilo's ongoing liquidity and service of its debt until the end of the waiver period (Dec. 31, 2009), at which date we will reassess Safilo's capital structure.

Meanwhile, we could lower the rating on Safilo to 'D' (Default) if the group's senior creditors accelerate the debt and the group is unable to repay. We could also lower the rating if Safilo renegotiates the original terms under its senior bank loan; fails to pay interest or principal on other financial obligations; undertakes a distressed exchange offer for all or a substantial part of its debt; or files for creditor protection.

If and when Safilo were to then emerge from any form of reorganization, we would reassess the ratings and the factors behind them, taking into account the factors that precipitated the default and also any gains achieved through the reorganization process

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