....e facciamoci questo SPRINT!

Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) abandoned plans to buy MetroPCS Communications Inc. (PCS), two people with knowledge of the matter said, walking away from a deal that might have helped the mobile-phone carrier vie with Verizon Wireless andAT&T Inc. (T)

The transaction would have valued MetroPCS at about $8 billion, said one of the people, who asked not to be identified because the discussions were private. It was rejected by Sprint’s board, this person said. The transaction included a 30 percent premium, CNBC reported yesterday.

Sempre dentro...anzi mi sa che domani incremento....se chiude la prossima settimana sopra 2.75 ...allora mi passa il seg nale sul monthly... dopo ne vediamo delle belle..

Uno e trino; hai avuto coraggio a seguire la mia dritta....ultimamente non ne prendo una
te gusta HATIRO??



  • nextel 09032012.png
    nextel 09032012.png
    22,1 KB · Visite: 273
chiuso il 60% della posizione ora a 2.81


sono soddisfatto...questa settimana ho avuto "discrete" entrate...

stasera ce sta na cena de pesce.... :cool:

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