Eni...Dogs and Horses, for pussy's lovers only - Cap. 2 (5 lettori)

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the greater the truth, the greater the libel
snapo ... ti ho inviato una e-mail l'altro giorno.

ti è arrivata? fammi sapere

ciao ciao

p.s. fammi capire qui nel thread se x lo meno l'hai ricevuta, non vorrei che rispondi alla mail o l'hai già fatto e non mi è arrivata
che urli...:D
nn l'apro mai(quasi mai) quella casella...al pari di quella di yahoo...
mo' ti rispondo in mp...che anche se leggono...mica parliamo del colore delle mutande di angelina...:lol:


the greater the truth, the greater the libel
05:27 S&P cuts Citi, B. of A., HSBC, Barclay's, BNP MarketWatch

noche hombre :D
e questi li han premiati?
Weak data, Goldman bearishness hit financials - Financial Stocks - MarketWatch

Goldman put a 1,285 target on the S&P 500, or about 5% off its 1,43 level earlier today.

si son messi a far circolare segretissime circolari destinate ai clienti...:lol:
stan proprio con le pezze al cul@...;)


p.s. bac e c salgono in after...l'aspettavano da febbraio...
(Bank of America shares up 1.2% after downgrade 10 min ago5:29 p.m. June 21, 2012- Carla Mozee)


~ 7th Seeker ~
noche hombre :D
e questi li han premiati?
Weak data, Goldman bearishness hit financials - Financial Stocks - MarketWatch

Goldman put a 1,285 target on the S&P 500, or about 5% off its 1,43 level earlier today.

si son messi a far circolare segretissime circolari destinate ai clienti...:lol:
stan proprio con le pezze al cul@...;)


p.s. bac e c salgono in after...l'aspettavano da febbraio...
(Bank of America shares up 1.2% after downgrade 10 min ago5:29 p.m. June 21, 2012- Carla Mozee)

Hola Noche :D

Credit Suisse Cut 3 Levels as Moody’s Downgrades Biggest Banks

June 21 (Bloomberg) -- Credit Suisse Group AG’s credit rating was cut three levels by Moody’s Investors Service, Morgan Stanley was reduced two levels and 13 other banks were downgraded in moves that may shake up competition among Wall Street’s biggest firms.
Credit Suisse, the second-largest Swiss bank, received the maximum reduction that Moody’s said in February it may make during a review of global banks with capital markets operations. Morgan Stanley and UBS AG (UBSN), the other firms singled out for such a steep cut, were lowered two steps instead.

Credit Suisse Cut 3 Levels as Moody
Ultima modifica:


Trader in erba
vanno a chiusura gap sono a 24 ma per me deve ribattere 20 ... attenzione se chiude gap senza tornare prima sotto potrebbero tornarci dopo il gap
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