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Screen Service, Permian Investment ha il 4,3% - Consob

Reuters - 27/07/2011 12:23:11

MILANO, 27 luglio (Reuters) - Permian Investment Partners ha il 4,332% di Screen Service Broadcasting Technologies (SSB.MI).

Lo si legge negli aggiornamenti Consob sulle partecipazioni rilevanti. La quota è detenuta tramite Permian Master Fund.

L'operazione è datata 25 luglio.

Permian Partners was founded in 2001 during the Internet bust by former Microsoft manager, Peter Atkins, who helped to develop and manage some of Microsoft's early consumer Internet efforts, including, and later was responsible for looking at Internet related investments on behalf of Microsoft.

We look at buying stock the same way we would evaluate buying an entire business. We aim to invest in companies we understand well, when we think they have defendable franchises, are managed by competent, entrepreneurial teams, and are available at reasonable prices. Our ideal holding period is long term.

A guiding principal is the consideration of common stocks as units of ownership of a business and the purchase of them when market valuation appears low relative to the long term economic prospects of the business.

We think good investment ideas are rare. As a result, we think it makes sense to focus on making a small number of great investments, versus doing many less well.

mi sono accorto della news solo ora. cmq ne ho ancora un po. sempre in attesa del vero valore...

ammetto peró di non aver approfittato dei giorni passati per comprare. peccato...

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