Gloria ai Bastardi - Cap. 1

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Infatti ho comprato Asia anche per questo motivo.

Mi sono ricordato di questo tuo msg e devo confessare che al momento ero rimasto perplesso, e per fortuna.
Ragionando che in Cina è stata bloccata una zona riguardante 60 milioni di abitanti, che sembra una cifra enorme, ma in effetti interessa meno del 5% della popolazione, mentre da noi viene fermato il 100% (e a ruota viaggiano gli altri paesi europei) non si può che riconoscere che avevi visto giusto.
Si riprenderà prima la Cina e di riflesso l'Asia.
Giovedì sono entrato su AASI a 26,327, con un primo acquisto.
Il "per fortuna" è perché nel frattempo il prezzo è sceso
Ultima modifica:
The Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank are today announcing a coordinated action to enhance the provision of liquidity via the standing U.S. dollar liquidity swap line arrangements.

These central banks have agreed to lower the pricing on the standing U.S. dollar liquidity swap arrangements by 25 basis points, so that the new rate will be the U.S. dollar overnight index swap (OIS) rate plus 25 basis points. To increase the swap lines' effectiveness in providing term liquidity, the foreign central banks with regular U.S. dollar liquidity operations have also agreed to begin offering U.S. dollars weekly in each jurisdiction with an 84-day maturity, in addition to the 1-week maturity operations currently offered. These changes will take effect with the next scheduled operations during the week of March 16.1 The new pricing and maturity offerings will remain in place as long as appropriate to support the smooth functioning of U.S. dollar funding markets.

The swap lines are available standing facilities and serve as an important liquidity backstop to ease strains in global funding markets, thereby helping to mitigate the effects of such strains on the supply of credit to households and businesses, both domestically and abroad.
For many years, reserve requirements played a central role in the implementation of monetary policy by creating a stable demand for reserves. In January 2019, the FOMC announced its intention to implement monetary policy in an ample reserves regime. Reserve requirements do not play a significant role in this operating framework.

In light of the shift to an ample reserves regime, the Board has reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective on March 26, the beginning of the next reserve maintenance period. This action eliminates reserve requirements for thousands of depository institutions and will help to support lending to households and businesses.
To support the smooth functioning of markets for Treasury securities and agency mortgage-backed securities that are central to the flow of credit to households and businesses, over coming months the Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities by at least $500 billion and its holdings of agency mortgage-backed securities by at least $200 billion. The Committee will also reinvest all principal payments from the Federal Reserve's holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities. In addition, the Open Market Desk has recently expanded its overnight and term repurchase agreement operations. The Committee will continue to closely monitor market conditions and is prepared to adjust its plans as appropriate.
finiti stimoli e cartucce al mondo finanziario a meno che non opino tutti i listini.
e siamo solo ad inizio pandemia.
la vedo nera!!
Forza e salute :)

Si ostinano a rimandare l'inevitabile, dare i soldi alla gente, metterli sui C/C e sopratutto non vogliono affrontare il problema banche, grandi banche. Per il resto, con il gesto krukko, l'€ è chiaramente finito. VIVA
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