Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (11 lettori)

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Greece's cash deficit down 24% y/y in Jan-Oct- cenbank

ATHENS | Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:18am EST

ATHENS Nov 16 (Reuters) - Greece's cash deficit shrank 24 percent year-on-year in the first ten months of 2010, meaning a lower net borrowing need, the country's central bank said on Tuesday.
The Bank of Greece said the central government's cash deficit fell to 20.6 billion euros ($28.78 billion) from 27.1 billion in the same period a year earlier.
The budget's primary deficit, which excludes debt servicing costs, also narrowed to 6.84 billion euros from 14.5 billion in Jan-Oct 2009, said the bank, based on provisional data.

Io, invece, sono quello delle buone notizie ...


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ma di quali regole del gioco parli ? alla Grecia certe bancacce hanno mollato swap-sole (nomi mitici tipo Arianna ed Eolo) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/14/business/global/14debt.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all ... ci sono oltre 7 miliardi di dollari che qualcuno (in primis banche yankee, solo JPM ha più o meno 1/6 dell'intero mercato cds) oggi perde se la Grecia fa default, risparmiatori in questo thread non ne vedo, sapete benissimo che la Grecia non ha alcuna possibilità di ripagare in toto i propri debiti senza regali esterni, la Merkel dice che chi ha magnato fino ad oggi deve partecipare alla sofferenza, parla di default selettivo
poi si sa che io sono favorevole ai default selettivi, i risparmiatori e i cittadini vanno tutelati, l'economia va tutelata, non chi compra a 50 e vuole 100, al massimo si ridà 50

Ascolta bene se tu pensi che io sia contento e felice di veder i veri speculatori divertirsi alle spalle di un paese come grecia o alle spalle di risparmiatori che hanno investito in parmalat o lehmans ...allora sbagli in pieno....ma quello che voglio che tu sappia che le cose x farle innanzi tutto devono essere fattibili e se tu pensi che una legge riesca a mettere delle regole nelle quali ci sia:
quello sì è uno speculatore perchè è una banca quello no non è uno speculatore xchè non è una banca ......fammi sapere come fanno xchè la cosa mi interesserebbe parecchio e sopratutto interesserebbe a personaggi tipo ( milionari, miliardadi e sèpeculatori vari ) che pur non essendo banche speculano alla grande.......per piacere non perdiamo il contatto con la realtà, anche se è una realtà altamente inguista ma in determinati momenti la cura uccide il paziente ....... ....e se vuoi che te la dica tutto a parer mio pure la germania gioca con i default dei paesi periferici;)


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Austria withholds Greek bailout funds

Agence France-Presse · Monday, Nov. 15, 2010

VIENNA — Greece has not met its commitments to the European Union in return for a massive bailout package and Austria has therefore not released its next aid contribution to Athens, Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said Tuesday.
“Very clear conditions were laid down in return for the EU aid to Greece. But as things currently stand, Greece has not kept to the plan on the taxation side,” Mr. Proell told reporters.
Thus, Austria had not yet approved the December instalment of aid -- some 190 million euros (US$258-million) -- to Greece.
“The latest data are there. There is no reason, from Austria’s point of view, to release the December tranche,” Mr. Proell said.

Comunque è tutto da discutere se non abbia ottemperato al programma stabilito...



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Austria withholds Greek bailout funds

Agence France-Presse · Monday, Nov. 15, 2010

VIENNA — Greece has not met its commitments to the European Union in return for a massive bailout package and Austria has therefore not released its next aid contribution to Athens, Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said Tuesday.
“Very clear conditions were laid down in return for the EU aid to Greece. But as things currently stand, Greece has not kept to the plan on the taxation side,” Mr. Proell told reporters.
Thus, Austria had not yet approved the December instalment of aid -- some 190 million euros (US$258-million) -- to Greece.
“The latest data are there. There is no reason, from Austria’s point of view, to release the December tranche,” Mr. Proell said.

Comunque è tutto da discutere se non abbia ottemperato al programma stabilito...

Appunto è questo il "gioco" con le sue regole , ciò che intendo io e spero di aer preso un grosso abbaglio ma non resta da sperare che il meccanismo non si inceppi altrimenti ne vediamo di cotte e di crude...............:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:


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Comments by EU finance ministers, officials

BRUSSELS | Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:19am EST

BRUSSELS Nov 16 (Reuters) - Following are comments by European ministers and officials gathering for a meeting of euro zone finance ministers in Brussels on Tuesday.

"I am quite concerned about a somewhat divisive tone in the public debate concerning the euro zone for the moment. I want to call on every responsible European to resist existential alarmism and we now need to restore the sense of unity and determination and work in order to ensure financial stability of the euro area."

"We have the most pressing problems in Ireland. The Irish sovereign is funded well until the middle of next year. The (European) Commission together with the ECB and the IMF and the Irish authorities are working in order to resolve the problems of the Irish banking sector. I expect the Eurogroup to support this objective. The real problems are in the banking sector, but there are interconnections so we are discussing the overall situation with a strong focus on the banking sector.
"Ireland is a very different case (to Greece). It is not a matter of the survival of the euro. It is a matter of a very serious problem of the banking sector in Ireland. We need to have a cool head and determination to find solutions to the banking sector in Ireland."

"It is up to the Irish authorities to put forward a request to the EU and the Eurogroup, if they do so we will be ready to support Ireland if needed."
"Ireland is a country doing everything to bring the situation under control, the budget consolidation is on track."

ON THE SITUATION IN IRELAND, PORTUGAL & GREECE: "First of all to listen to our colleagues from Ireland, like from Greece, like from Portugal, to know the exact situation and then we will see if it is necessary to do something."

"There is some concern about the situation."


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Appunto è questo il "gioco" con le sue regole , ciò che intendo io e spero di aer preso un grosso abbaglio ma non resta da sperare che il meccanismo non si inceppi altrimenti ne vediamo di cotte e di crude...............:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall:

Del resto si aspettavano tutti che Papandreou non riuscisse a farcela ... ora che il programma è bene inquadrato e prosegue paro-paro cercano scuse ...


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Austria Says Greece Did Not Comply With Bailout Terms

Austria didn’t release its EUR190 million contribution to the bailout package for Greece as the latter hasn’t met its commitments, Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell said Tuesday, AFP reports.

"Very clear conditions were laid down in return for the EU aid to Greece. But as things currently stand, Greece has not kept to the plan on the taxation side," Proell told reporters.

"The latest data are there. There is no reason, from Austria’s point of view, to release the December tranche," Proell said.

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