Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (9 lettori)

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alla fine a che data si va?

No, si inizierà sempre a fine 2013 ma anzichè caricare il rimborso su tre anni lo si farà su sei. E' sempre un'ipotesi, poichè nulla è ancora definito.

Tieni conto che attualmente il programma prevede un carico, per la Grecia, tra scadenze e rimborsi di circa 70 MLD annui a partire dal 2014.
E' troppo, la Grecia non riuscirebbe ... si tratterebbe di riportarli verso i 50/55 MLD.
E' un programma molto più sostenibile, fatto da una ripartenza del PIL a partire dal 2012 e da un riaffacciarsi sui mercati.


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Più tardi vedo di darvi un rapido aggiornamento sui prezzi otc: venerdì sera si era chiuso con un discreto rimbalzo sui corsi del giorno precedente, che sembra consolidato dai prezzi che si vedo oggi sui mercati retail, sebbene con volumi poco consistenti.


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Greek Market Moves Higher

Athens stocks are firmer on Monday following the bailout package for Ireland announced Sunday and the extension of the period in which Greece has to pay back the EU loans.

The final settlement of Ireland΄s EU/IMF 85bn euros aid, which also assisted Greece by providing an extra 4 year-period cushion, should prove sufficient in providing the Athens market with a short-term catalyst, driving the GI towards slightly higher grounds. Having just concluded a 5-week negative week period, the GI badly needed a positive parameter that would end its downward momentum. In this context, we expect the expect the Athens market to provide investors today with a promising upward move, ideally accompanied by strong bid-side interest and increased trading volume. Technically, Friday΄s formation could be well signifying a change of course, thus rendering a possible rise as the most probable scenario. We expect, therefore, the GI to start towards the 1,460 units, which consist today΄s 2nd resistance level, with a possible break of aforementioned levels bringing the Athens market towards the 1,475 - 1,480 units, just below the 15-days moving average,” Pegasus says in its morning report.

Across the board, the General Index gains 1.08% at 1,452.36 on a total turnover of 37.93 mil. euro.



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Greek Loan Extension Acknowledges Longer-Term Problem, RBC Says

November 29, 2010, 4:39 AM EST

By Paul Dobson
Nov. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Greece’s extension of the time period for repayment of emergency loans shows the scale of Europe’s debt crisis is greater than governments initially acknowledged, Royal Bank of Canada Europe Ltd. said.
“It’s the first time governments have really realized this is a long-term problem we have here,” said Peter Schaffrik , head of European rates strategy in London. “The interest they charge is super-high, the size of the problem is much bigger. That’s why the market is still wary” of so-called peripheral European nations’ debt, he said.
Portugal will eventually need to follow Ireland in requesting a bailout because it has “massive financing needs,” Schaffrik said.
Portuguese 10-year bonds slipped, sending the yield two basis points higher to 7.16 percent as of 9:06 a.m. in London. Irish securities were little changed, leaving the yield at 9.34 percent. Greek bonds rose, sending the yield down 11 basis points to 11.79 percent.


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PM at EU-Africa Summit in Libya

The 3rd EU-Africa Summit opens in Tripoli, Libya, on Monday with the participation of approximately 80 European and African heads of state and government, the European Council and European Commission presidents, and the eurogroup president, with Prime Minister George Papandreou representing Greece.

The two-day summit will focus on investments, economic growth and the creation of jobs.

Papandreou will address the summit both days, focusing on the theme Energy and Climate Change in his speech on Monday and on the theme Migration, Mobility and Creation of Jobs in his presentation on Tuesday.

The premier will be accompanied by foreign minister Dimitris Droutsas and deputy foreign minister Spyros Kouvelis.



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Extension of Greece's EU-IMF loan repayment period and the eurogroup's approval of an 85 billion euro bailout package for Ireland, and a streamlining of the DEKO (public utilities and organisations) dominated the headlines in Athens dailies on Monday.

ADESMEFTOS TYPOS: "Wave of early retirements in the DEKO".

AVRIANI: "11 years of hunger and misery and afterwards...we'll see".

ELEFTHEROS: "Papandreou begging for consensus".

ELEFTHEROS TYPOS: "Memorandum up to 2021".

ELEFTHEROTYPIA: "Gaining time, losing money" with the extension of the loan repayment period.

ESTIA: "There is a way out of the crisis".

ETHNOS: "Window for extension (of the loan repayment period) for Greece".

IMERISSIA: "Extension/breather for the 110 billion euro (EU-IMF) loan".

NAFTEMPORIKI: "Agreement for extension of (repayment of) the Greek loan".

TA NEA: "Payment facilitation - 4+7 years instead of (the present) 3+2 years".

VRADYNI: "Fear of mutiny (among PASOK ranks) over the DEKO".



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Road opens for Greek repayment extension

Brussels (ANA-MPA/M. Spinthourakis) -- Eurogroup and Ecofin finance ministers on Sunday agreed an 85 billion euro bail-out plan for Ireland and the guidelines for a permanent EU support mechanism for resolving debt crises in the eurozone that will replace the existing temporary mechanisms concerning the 110 billion euro EU-IMF support loan to Greece and of other eurozone countries respectively. The agreement also calls for "examination of the necessity of aligning the maturities of the financing for Greece to that of Ireland".

Sunday's decisions will be enshrined in Eurogroup and Council decisions to be formally adopted on December 6-7.

A statement issued after the meeting stated that the ministers "unanimously agreed today to grant financial assistance in response to the Irish authorities' request of November 22, 2010" which will be provided "on the basis of a program which has been negotiated with the Irish authorities by the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in liaison with the European Central Bank (ECB)".

The statement also said that "the Eurogroup will rapidly examine the necessity of aligning the maturities of the financing for Greece to that of Ireland".

Further, European leaders, at snap meeting, decided the creation of a Permanent Eurozone Crisis Mechanism to be put in effect in the second half of 2013, which will replace the existing temporary mechanisms that expire in 2013.

The necessity of alignment of the Greek and Irish loan maturities was stressed at a press conference afterwards by Eurogroup president Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs Olli Rehn.

"The ministers decided that we should look into the alignment of loan maturities of financing for Greece and that of Ireland. It should now kill off any remaining doubt of the capacity of Greece to repay its debt," Rehn told the press conference.

"All together the EU-IMF programme for Ireland a future European stabilization mechanism with clear rules and the forthcoming prolongation of maturities for Greek loans, constitute decisive elements which will help to dispel any doubt about Europe's will and ability to safeguard the financial stability in Europe," he said.

"As regards interest rates and the pricing policy, we shall apply the IMF equivalent pricing practices in line with the Greek loan package. The precise interest rate will be decided next week and as I said, that will be in line with the IMF standard practices," Rehn added.

According to Greek diplomatic sources, this in practice means that the loan amortization period for Greece will be 11 years, against the current five years under the Memorandum.

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