Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (22 lettori)

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15:56 08 MAR 2011

(AGI) Berlino - Il segretario Usa al Tesoro Timothy Geithner si dice certo che l'Europa fara' tutto il possibile per difendere l'euro e fronteggiare la crisi del debito. "I leader europei - dice Geithner in una conferenza stampa congiunta con il ministro delle Finanze tedesco Wolfang Schaeuble - hanno fatto l'essenziale e hanno detto che faranno il necessario non solo per tenere assieme l'euro ma per per assicurarsi che i programmi di riforma saranno funzionanti" -


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Al momento i Capi di Governo, su delega degli aventi diritto.
Hanno più volte sottolineato la supremazia della politica rispetto alla finanza. In Europa è ancora così ...
Vi ricordo che i politici europei non hanno piu' il controllo della tipografia , e non mi risulta che nel frattempo abbiano inventato la pietra filosofale :rolleyes:


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GREECE 18 4.6 278.000
0 278.000 EUR 64,4304
Fiscale 64,3396 60,87 179.116,47 169.218,60
rateo 7.103,93
MOT HELLENIC 19 6.5 30.000
0 30.000 EUR 68,4533
Fiscale 67,1287 65 20.536,00 19.500,00
rateo 580,21
MOT HELLENIC REP 26 5.3 30.000
0 30.000 EUR 63,4367
Fiscale 63,4724 60,5 19.031,00 18.150,00
rateo 1.354,27
MOT GREECE 37 4.5 118.000
0 118.000 EUR 55,3107
Fiscale 55,3913 54,41 65.266,60 64.203,80
rateo 2.189,47
Quasi un miliardo di vecchie lire ed invece di venire a godertelo a Pattaya lo getti giu' per la cloaca ellenica.... ma dico io si puo' essere piu' .... :wall:


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Geithner bullish on global economy


BERLIN — The US Treasury Secretary said Tuesday the global economy was at its healthiest for several months, in bullish remarks on a whirlwind trip to Germany where he also discussed the euro crisis.

Speaking after a meeting with Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany's finance minister, Timothy Geithner said: "We see a gradually strengthening global economy."

"I think we're in a much stronger position than we were three months ago, six months ago, nine months ago to deal with the mix of challenges we face ahead," added Geithner.

He said the talks in Berlin covered a wide range of issues, including financial market regulation, sanctions on Libya and Iran and Europe's efforts to establish a bailout fund for potential future debt crises.

The US official praised debt-laden European countries such as Greece and Portugal for making strenuous efforts to reduce their deficit levels with painful austerity measures.

"What's happening is remarkable in terms of the scope of the reforms underway," he said.

"No one understands these challenges better than the leaders of Europe ... they have done the essential thing and they have made clear they will do what is necessary to hold the euro together," added the secretary.

Geithner also reiterated that developed economies had sufficient oil reserves to deal with any price spikes related to the recent turmoil in the Middle East.

Authorities were "closely watching" developments in the oil market, he said, but "it's important to recognise that the major producers of oil and the major developed economies do have sustainable reserves available that they could mobilise."

Earlier Tuesday, Geithner had briefly visited Frankfurt, where he held talks with European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet and the head of Germany's central bank, Axel Weber.

For his part, Schaeuble expressed his own confidence that the global economy would pick up and repeated Europeans' determination to return stability to the financial markets.
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Vi ricordo che i politici europei non hanno piu' il controllo della tipografia , e non mi risulta che nel frattempo abbiano inventato la pietra filosofale :rolleyes:

Nell'area Euro vige ancora una sana divisione dei poteri.
Non credo che butteranno dalla finestra oltre sessant'anni di storia comunitaria.
Indietro non si torna ...
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Cyprus' finance minister says credit rating downgrade from Fitch is 'inevitable'


NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) - It is "inevitable" that Fitch ratings agency will cut Cyprus' credit grade following similar moves by both Moody's and Standard & Poor's, the finance minister said Tuesday.

Fitch put Cyprus on notice in January for a possible downgrade, but noted it did not expect the AA minus rating to be lowered by more than one notch.

Last month, Moody's cut its rating on Cypriot government bonds by two notches with a stable outlook amid concerns over public accounts and the financial system's exposure to debt-ridden Greece. S&P cut its grade by one notch with a negative outlook last November over similar concerns.

Charilaos Stavrakis said that rating agencies "usually follow one another" and that currently Fitch has Cyprus at a higher rating than the other two agencies.

"The aim is to stabilize the situation so that there are no further downgrades, to improve public finances, resolve the economy's structural problems and to reduce the cost of borrowing and reassure the agencies and foreign investors," Stavrakis said.

Cyprus' economy grew by 0.9 percent last year after a 1.7 contraction in 2009. The International Monetary Fund last month predicted growth of between 1.5 and 2 percent this year with favorable prospects for a continued upturn in 2012.

But a rising fiscal deficit caused in part by a high public sector wage bill has shaken confidence in those growth projections. Stavrakis has been trying to assure markets that the island won't go the way of neighboring Greece, which is receiving euro110 billion ($151 billion) in rescue loans to keep it from defaulting on its debts.

Cyprus, a euro member, incorporated a package of cost cuts and tax hikes in this year's euro8.02 billion ($11 billion) state budget to fulfill a promise to the European Union to cut in half a 6 percent deficit by 2012. The EU has a 3 percent deficit limit, though the rule has been broadly broken after countries' public debt was bloated by the financial crisis.

Among the cost cutting measures is a pledge to trim 3,000 jobs from a government work force of 53,000 in the country of 800,000.

The Finance ministry estimates the deficit for 2010 was 4.9 percent of GDP and projects a slight drop to around 4 percent this year.

Stavrakis said public debt — estimated at 60.6 percent for 2010 — is projected to rise marginally to 61.5 percent this year and stabilize at around 60 percent by 2013.

(Associated Presse)

La situazione a Cipro.
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Borsa Atene: Ase chiude a -3,8%, male bancari

MILANO (MF-DJ)--L'indice Ase della Borsa di Atene termina le contrattazioni in ribasso del 3,8% a quota 1525,5 punti. I volumi si attestano a 133,6 mln euro.
Il mercato greco perde terreno soprattutto a causa delle perdite dei titoli bancari, il cui sotto-indice cede il 6,2%, sulla possibilita' che Moody's possa tagliare i rating delle singole banche.
In rosso Piraeus a -7,2%, National a -6,8%, Eurobank a -6,1%, Bank of Cyprus a -5,8% e Alpha a -4,2%.

Ipotesi non remota ...

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