Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (3 lettori)

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il Fankazzista
(AGI) Berlino - La cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel e' d'accordo a dare alla Grecia piu' di tre anni per rimborsare i prestiti dell'Unione europea. La Merkel, in un'intervista alla Bild, esclude la ristrutturazione del debito greco .
se lo dice lei ci credo
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Forumer storico
Germany's Merkel Wants To Give Greece More Time To Repay Aid

First Published Thursday, 10 March 2011 02:22 pm - © 2011 Need to Know News

BERLIN (MNI) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel supports giving Greece more time to repay the loans granted under a joint European and IMF aid program.
"Greece has to overcome the consequences of its heavy fiscal policy mistakes," Merkel told German daily Bild in an interview to be published Friday. "This cannot be done in three years. If we still insisted on that, it would create new turbulence," she warned.
However, Merkel ruled out a restructuring of Greece's debt. "There do not exist any instruments for that," she said.
In the interview, the chancellor again stressed her opposition to the idea of issuing joint eurobonds in the Eurozone. "Eurobonds are and remain the wrong instrument in our view," she said.
--Berlin bureau: +49-30-22 62 05 80; email: [email protected]


Forumer storico
Germany's Merkel Wants To Give Greece More Time To Repay Aid

First Published Thursday, 10 March 2011 02:22 pm - © 2011 Need to Know News

BERLIN (MNI) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel supports giving Greece more time to repay the loans granted under a joint European and IMF aid program.
"Greece has to overcome the consequences of its heavy fiscal policy mistakes," Merkel told German daily Bild in an interview to be published Friday. "This cannot be done in three years. If we still insisted on that, it would create new turbulence," she warned.
However, Merkel ruled out a restructuring of Greece's debt. "There do not exist any instruments for that," she said.
In the interview, the chancellor again stressed her opposition to the idea of issuing joint eurobonds in the Eurozone. "Eurobonds are and remain the wrong instrument in our view," she said.

Parole sagge: non esistono strumenti legali per "tagliare" i nostri Bond.
Lo potranno fare solo sulle nuove emissioni (e lo faranno per tutti i titoli emessi in area euro).
Anche se poi ci saranno conflitti maggiori tra nuove e vecchie emissioni ... ma questo lo vedremo più avanti.


Forumer storico
Germany's Merkel Wants Extension Of Greek Debt Maturities-Paper

BERLIN (Dow Jones)--German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pleaded for an extension of Greek debt maturities, in an interview to be published by German newspaper Bild.
"Greece has to cope with the consequences of its grave errors in financial policies. You can't do that in three years," Merkel is quoted as saying in the preliminary version of a report to be published in Bild Friday.
A bailout program for Greece set up in May 2010 is scheduled to run out in 2013.
However, Merkel rejected a restructuring of Greek debt, telling the newspaper "no instruments" for that were available.
The German Chancellor also said further aid for euro-zone countries needs to be linked to strict conditions and that Germany will veto future bailouts if prerequisites for aid aren't given.
Any future bailout also needs to be decided upon by all euro-zone countries, Merkel is quoted as saying.
Euro-zone government leaders meet in Brussels Friday to debate stricter rules on budget discipline, a strengthening of a temporary fund to bailout troubled euro-zone members, and details for a future permanent rescue fund.


Forumer attivo
Germany's Merkel Wants Extension Of Greek Debt Maturities-Paper

BERLIN (Dow Jones)--German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pleaded for an extension of Greek debt maturities, in an interview to be published by German newspaper Bild.
"Greece has to cope with the consequences of its grave errors in financial policies. You can't do that in three years," Merkel is quoted as saying in the preliminary version of a report to be published in Bild Friday.
A bailout program for Greece set up in May 2010 is scheduled to run out in 2013.
However, Merkel rejected a restructuring of Greek debt, telling the newspaper "no instruments" for that were available.
The German Chancellor also said further aid for euro-zone countries needs to be linked to strict conditions and that Germany will veto future bailouts if prerequisites for aid aren't given.
Any future bailout also needs to be decided upon by all euro-zone countries, Merkel is quoted as saying.
Euro-zone government leaders meet in Brussels Friday to debate stricter rules on budget discipline, a strengthening of a temporary fund to bailout troubled euro-zone members, and details for a future permanent rescue fund.

Mi sarei aspettato, in chiave tattica, un rimbalzo. Invece la 2014 perde un'altro 1,4%. Perchè? Chi se ne stà disfando?


il Fankazzista
il mercato reagisce con i suoi tempi
ma me basta sapere che la merkel che deve tirare fuori i soldi escude una restrutturazione
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