Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (12 lettori)

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Titoli Stato, derivati 'cds' allargano su Italia e periferia

lunedì 23 maggio 2011 10:43

LONDRA, 23 maggio (Reuters) - Aumenta il costo per assicurarsi dal rischio di insolvenza sovrana per i governativi italiani e per l'intera periferia europea, Grecia in testa. I contratti derivati 'credit default swap' sulla scadenza a cinque anni - dicono i dati Markit - mostrano un'accelerazione di 50 punti base a 1.390 nel caso della Grecia, di 23 tick per l'Irlanda a 665, di 16 centesimi per la Spagna a 277 e di 15 per l'Italia a 176 punti base.
Standard & Poor's ha portato sabato da stabili a negative le prospettive per il rating sovrano italiano, parlando della bassa crescita e della possibilità di ricadute dallo stallo politico. Venerdì pomeriggio l'ultima bocciatura della Grecia da parte di Fitch, per cui il giudizio scende a 'B+' con outlook negativo.


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Mid-Term Package Aims For Further Cuts In Pensions

A “tough” scenario of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security regarding the restraint of costs in the insurance system include the resetting of a cap on pensions below €2,773 currently, the inclusion of family allowance, immediate reducing of benefits to ineligible pensioners and possible claims of higher benefits paid already.

The measure has to do with the 40% of pensioners of the former special funds, SOEs and banks, who receive higher pensions, due to a different interpretation of a 1992 law. Pensioners who retired opted for voluntary retirement would be hit by the new measure.

Regarding main pensions, there are scenarios for imposing of a new cap at €2,500 or even €2,200. It is considered certain the inclusion of family allowances to the cap, provided by the medium-term package, according to sources.

Under the plan, there would be no pensioner, receiving main and supplementary pensions and allowances totalling more than €3,650, while the state threatens to claim the illegally granted pensions to thousands of pensioners, if there is a relevant court decision.

The Labour Ministry is pressed by the country’s international lenders to proceed with bold interventions to reduce the state deficit, considering imposing a cap on supplementary pensions in the forthcoming reform in July.

Public Power Corporation’s insurance fund TAP-PPC had been granting pensions of more than 80% of pensionable earnings or fourfold of average per capita GDP to those who retired.

In 1995, in response to some pensioners, who protest against cap, the Fund decided that the pension cap does not apply when the pension is increased by pensionable service beyond 35 years.

When TAP-PPC joined IKA, the services of the latter found that the cap was not applicable and ordered an investigation.

The fund had been applying the cap for the period 1992-1995, but the board decided on the lifting of the cap, when the pension is increased by pensionable service beyond 35 years.



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Spread/Bund sempre in allargamento: ora siamo a 1425 pb.

Borsa in leggero recupero rispetto a questa mattina: ora intorno a 1288 punti a - 0,66%.
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RPT-Greece must bolster budget steps urgently-EU's Rehn

Mon May 23, 2011 4:54am EDT

(Repeats to additional subscribers without changes)

VIENNA May 23 (Reuters) - Greece must seriously reinforce its budget consolidation steps and pursue privatisations soon, the EU's top economic official said on Monday.
"These are a matter of urgency," Olli Rehn, the economic and monetary affairs commissioner in the European Union's executive Commission, said in a speech to a conference on European integration in Vienna.
Euro zone policy makers had not eradicated the risk of financial meltdown, Rehn said: "We have contained but not banned that risk yet."
Turning to the euro zone economy's performance, Rehn said: "The economic recovery in Europe is retaining its momentum despite some external turbulence and uncertainities in financial markets."


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Allianz CEO warns against Greece default: Paper

Read more on »Michael Diekmann|Marshall Plan|INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND|greece|European Central Bank|Allianz

BERLIN: The chief executive of Europe's largest insurer, Allianz, warned governments not to push Athens toward insolvency by blocking further aid to Greece.

"Europe must help its weaker countries. The consequences of a sovereign default of Greece would be uncontrollable," Michael Diekmann was quoted saying in German daily Bild in an interview published on Monday.

"What would happen if there was a run on the banks and all Greek depositors were to withdraw their savings? Banks would have to close -- many other regions and finance institutes would be uncontrollably infected."

Investors are awaiting a debt sustainability report in June from the European Commission, European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund required before a much-needed 12 billion euro tranche in aid is paid out to Athens.

A spokesman for the company said the German insurer's exposure to Greek sovereign debt stood at 1.3 billion euros as of the end of 2010, or 0.3 percent of its nearly 400 billion euro fixed income portfolio. The Allianz CEO said simply restructuring Greek sovereign debt would not solve the country's problems and called for a " Marshall Plan . for Greece, referring to US aid for Europe after World War Two.

"Greece cannot save itself alone through a debt restructuring. The country must not decouple itself from capital markets," Diekmann said. "We need an industrialisation plan for Greece, a type of Marshall Plan. European labour and production need to be shifted to the country."

In contrast to the fragile situation in Greece, Diekmann said he was pleased to see progress in Portugal towards reducing debt and above all in Spain, while he could observe the first indications that Ireland was also improving.

Speaking about risks to Germany, Diekmann said markets were over-reacting to inflationary pressures, adding his economists were forecasting no more than 3-4 percent per year at most.

"That may not be low, but it's also not excessive inflation," he said.
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Grecia: oggi cruciale cdm

Su nulla osta muobe misure restrittive per 6,5 mld

(ANSA) - ATENE, 23 MAG - Oggi il primo ministro greco Giorgio Papandreou presiedera' una cruciale riunione del Consiglio dei ministri per il varo di nuove misure economiche per coprire il buco di 6,5 miliardi nel bilancio 2011. Passaggio cruciale per ottenere il via libera alla concessione della quinta tranche dell'aiuto di 110 mld concesso alla Grecia un anno fa. Tranche senza la quale ''per la Grecia potrebbe probabilmente significare il fallimento'', ha affermato il premier in un'intervista.

23 Mag 11:17

Dovrebbe iniziare intorno a mezzogiorno.
Nel pomeriggio sapremo l'esito.



Triplo Panico: comprare
Quinta tranche!

Per oggi è in programma la riunione dell'Esecutivo ellenico per verificare l'approvazione del programma a medio termine di adeguamento fiscale.
L'incontro si terrà a partire dalle ore 12.
Domani poi è previsto l'incontro con le altre forze politiche, si cercherà l'appoggio sulla manovra. La Troika spinge per un'approvazione condivisa anche dall'opposizione.
Se tutto andrà bene, in settimana ci potrà essere il via libera alla quinta tranche che sarà pagata a giugno.
Viceversa, si innesteranno nuovi scenari che sarebbe meglio non pensare ...

Wall Street Italia:
La Grecia ha 2 mesi di cash in cassa poi salta (default sicuro)

:ciao: Non vi è alternativa alla quinta tranche, o meglio l'alternativa è quella che scrive stamane Wall Street Italia.
Continuo a ripetere che l'Europa di solito prima del baratro trova l'accordo!
Ciao, ciao, Giuseppe


il Fankazzista
MARKET TALK: Grecia, ristrutturazione a breve poco probabile (Deutsche bank)
MF-Dow Jones - 23/05/2011 11:29:32
MILANO (MF-DJ)--E' improbabile che si verifichi una ristrutturazione del debito greco nel breve periodo. Lo afferma Deutsche Bank in una nota, aggiungendo che lo scenario piu' probabile vede il supporto dell'Ue e del Fmi in cambio dell'impegno, da parte di Atene, ad adottare ulteriori misure di austerita' e un piano di privatizzazioni. Un riscadenziamento volontario dei debiti in scadenza "sembra fattibile" per supportare i finanziamenti, aggiunge la banca tedesca.
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