Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (7 lettori)

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Berlino, 26 mag - Il ministro
delle Finanze tedesco, Wolfgang Schauble ha detto in
un'intervista pubblicata giovedi' sull'Handelsblatt che gli
europei non hanno "esaurito gli scenari per sostenere la
Grecia" e ha dichiarato che la ristrutturazione del debito
contiene "rischi significativi". "E 'vero che l'Unione
europea non ha ancora esaurito tutti gli scenari per
sostenere la Grecia", ha detto all'Handelsblatt,
riconoscendo che "le misure di disciplina fiscale da sole
non risolveranno i problemi" del Paese. L'assistenza fornita
dagli europei e del Fondo monetario internazionale in Grecia
e' infatti accompagnata da una misure di austerita' molto


Γένοιο οἷος εἷ
Bond euro negativi in mattinata, aumenta avversione al rischio
Reuters - 26/05/2011 08:45:55
LONDRA, 26 maggio (Reuters) - Apertura con il segno meno per l'obbligazionario europeo, penalizzato dal leggero recupero di appeal degli asset a rischio più elevato legato alla notizia che Pechino sarebbe pronta ad acquistare bond Efsf a favore del Portogallo.

I derivati sul decennale tedesco non si discostano però significativamente dai record da gennaio scorso, a riflesso del clima di pesante incertezza che riguarda le evoluzioni della crisi debitoria greca.

In contrasto al sindacato e all'opposizione Atene sta cercando di far passare un nuovo pacchetto di austerità per assicurarsi le venga elargita la prossima tranche del pacchetto Ue/Fmi da 110 miliardi senza cui rischia l'insolvenza.

"Sappiamo che le banche centrali stanno acquaistando molta carta di questo tipo... si tratta soltanto di qualche buona notizia nel clima generalizzato di timore sulla Grecia" commenta un operatore.

"Sui prossimi pacchetti di salvataggio a favore di paesi della zona euro sta nel frattempo aumentando il dissenso politico... spetta alla Grecia di rimettere ordine nei conti pubblici" aggiunge.

Dal punto di vista tecnico il futures sul decennale tedesco a giugno trova sui grafici un supporto sul minimo della settimana di 124,71 mentre la resistenza va situata a 125,33, record di lunedì scorso


Umile contadino
Credo che l'utilizzo di metafore colorite da parte di gaudente abbiano lo

scopo di far rinsavire qulche pecorella smarrita

perche' poi da pecorella si passa direttamente " a pecora "
Benvenuto sul thd !
Bene per la tua puntualizzazione ma credo che arrivati a questo punto anche la pecorella più smarrita, sorda e cieca abbia capito in quale situazione siamo.


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UPDATE 1-Greek debt restructuring bears high risks -Germany

Thu May 26, 2011 2:55am EDT

* Lack of experience leads to uncertainty - German FinMin
* Unclear how Greece could exit euro zone - German FinMin
(Adds more comments)

BERLIN, May 26 (Reuters) - Restructuring Greece's sovereign debt would be a leap in the dark since there is no comparable previous experience to act as a guide, Germany's finance minister said.
"A debt restructuring scenario bears high risks. It could result in an immediate maturing of all loans, with the corresponding consequences for Greek solvency," Wolfgang Schaeuble told business daily Handelsblatt in an interview published on Thursday.
"The fact that there is no experience about what happens when a country within a single currency area becomes insolvent causes added uncertainty."
Schaeuble said past cases, such as Argentina's default in 2002, were completely different to the situation Europe faces with Greece in this respect.
He also said the practicalities of exiting the euro zone were unfathomable.
"Even leading economists could not explain to me how a temporary exit from a currency union could practically proceed," Schaeuble said.
On Wednesday, the EU's fisheries commissioner, Maria Damanaki of Greece, said the country had to either endure tough sacrifices or return to the drachma.


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Bofinger Proposes Joint Euro Bonds, Haircut to Lower Greek Debt

By Niklas Magnusson - May 26, 2011 9:00 AM GMT+0200 Thu May 26 07:00:00 GMT 2011

Euro-area governments should consider haircuts and the issuance of joint bonds to cut the debt burden of countries such as Greece, said Peter Bofinger, a member of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s council of economic advisers.
Cutting Greece’s debt by 40 percent and converting the rest of the money owned into so-called euro-bonds should lower Greece’s interest-rate payments and also stabilize the euro-area region, Bofinger told journalists in Hamburg last night.
“The higher the rates, the longer it takes and the harder it is for countries to get their debt right,” Bofinger told the Hamburg club for business journalists. “It must be in our genuine German interest” to lower “this whole debt mountain.”
Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is seeking political backing for a new round of spending cuts and asset sales that run through 2015, as the euro region and the International Monetary Fund discuss additional financing Greece needs to avert a default. The country got a 110 billion-euro ($155 billion) bailout from the European Union and the IMF last May in exchange for measures including wage cuts and higher sales taxes.
The “punitive interest rate” Greece pays on its bailout loans means the country is unlikely to be able to lower its debt burden, Bofinger said. The country will have total debt of 400 billion euros by 2013-2014, which compares with the 500 billion euros available in the European Stability Mechanism, he said.
The failure to lower the interest rates on the debt of countries such as Greece means politics have failed “to get a head-start over the markets,” Bofinger said. The high interest rates lead to more austerity measures, which may cause higher unemployment, lower growth and less investment, said Bofinger.



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Greece Must Restructure Its Debt, Roubini Tells Handelsblatt

By Brian Parkin - May 26, 2011 9:18 AM GMT+0200 Thu May 26 07:18:45 GMT 2011

Greece must seek an “orderly restructuring” of its debt as the euro group’s “lend and prey” approach is bound to fail, Nouriel Roubini said in a Handelsblatt newspaper interview.
Greece could extend the maturities of its debt and seek reduced interest on new bonds, said Roubini, the New York University economist who predicted the global financial crisis. This solution would reduce the risk of contagion as well as losses that financial institutions must bear if the value of the debt is cut, he said.


Altro che guru ... è una banderuola che si sposta dove tira il vento.


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German minister says new ideas needed on Greek debt

FRANKFURT — Europe has not exhausted ways of helping Greece but any restructuring its debt would pose serious risks, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Thursday in an interview.
"It is true that in the European Union (EU) we have not yet explored all the scenarios to help Greece," Schaeuble told the German business daily Handelsblatt.
He acknowledged that "budget discipline measures by themselves cannot resolve the problems" faced by Athens as it struggles with about 340 billion euros ($480 billion) in debt.
An aid programme worth 110 billion euros set up by the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank has forced Greece to adopt austerity measures that economists say will curb short-term economic growth.
"There must be medium and long-term growth prospects," the German finance minister said, including investments in solar energy and electric power networks.
But Schaeuble warned that changing the terms of Greek debt repayments, a scenario being considered by many EU leaders, could cause financial turmoil in Greece and elsewhere.
"A restructuring scenario would contain serious risks," and undermine confidence in public finances in the eurozone, he said.
Investors might rush to get funds out of Greece and push the banking sector and government towards collapse, generating a ripple affect that could reach other eurozone members.
A Greek bankruptcy could have "more dramatic consequences than the collapse of Lehman Brothers," Schaeuble said.
He referred to the US investment bank that went under in September 2008, sparking a new phase in the global economic crisis.
"There exists no precedent of a country that was forced to default on its payments within a monetary union," the German minister added.
He has recently suggested that Greece's debt could be subjected to a so-called "soft" restructuring, a notion that might involve an extension of the reimbursement period or a lowering of interest rates applied to it.
Financial markets nonetheless expect a "hard" restructuring at some point under which some of the money Greece has borrowed would not be paid back.
Even the former option would require the consent of the ECB however, because it currently owns some 45 billion euros in Greek debt and has lent money to Greek banks against much more in Greek-based collateral.
The ECB is steadfastly opposed to any restructuring of Greece's debt.
Schaeuble took care to underscore the ECB's position, after comments by both sides in the past week have lead to media reports that highlight the danger of a clash to investor confidence in the 17-nation eurozone.
"We have always been well-inspired to respect the independence" of the central bank, Schaeuble stressed.

Sempre sulle dichiarazioni di Schaeuble.


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Intanto la Borsa di Atene ha aperto in verde a + 1,38%, indice ASE a 1307 pb.
I nostri spread viaggiano intorno ai minimi degli ultimi giorni a 1395 pb.
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