Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 1 (12 lettori)

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Eurozone’s Passion Week Has Come

Rumours that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is no longer opposed to Greece exiting the Eurozone, collapse of Italian bonds and ECB’s intention to cut its government bond purchases have triggered an unprecedented collapse of stock and bond markets in the single currency area.

According to German press, Angela Merkel appeared more conciliatory on a possible exit of Greece from the Eurozone.

However, she denied this possibility and publically insisted that she is completely opposed to a Greek exit because of a possible domino effect.

At the same time, the situation in Italy has deteriorated sharply and seems to put Greek issue at second place of priority.

The interbanking market has frozen, while successive meetings take place in Frankfurt on how to deal the collapse of bank shares.

Sources told Capital.gr that at yesterday’s meeting of Eurogroup Working Group, Greece has been under pressure because of its inability to respond to existing agreements, but the concern is now focusing on Italy, which seems to deteriorate sharply.

The tension is likely to lead to extraordinary conference call of Eurogroup within the week, if politicians and central banks agree on how to deal with the crisis, which has been exacerbated by political instability in Germany and the growing crisis in the European banking system.

EWG members estimate that the situation in Italy could drag the euro area in extremely dangerous territory, threatening even its very existence.

Regarding Greece, the recent interruption of review mission has led to unprecedented tension with unknown consequences, although Brussels rule out any amendment of second bailout agreement.



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Greek Government Seeks To Finalize State Budget

The Greek government examines state expenditure to prepare a new package of measures.

The Finance Ministry focuses on spending of each ministry in order to save more than €6 billion, requested by the international inspectors for 2011 and 2012. The objective is to find sources by next Monday to be prepared for the second round of negotiations scheduled for September 14.

The issue will be addressed at the cabinet meeting today. Ministers would be asked to finalize pending issues.

According to EU sources, it is expected a repeat of last May developments, with long tables of revenue and expenditure by ministry going back and forth.

The two sides would start from different positions. The government will attempt to avoid additional measures this year or in 2012, and gain some extra time.

On the other hand, the Troika had estimated deviations at €6 billion. The same sources noted that political negotiations would determine whether there would be additional measures.

However, the government must be prepared for the 2012 State Budget. Information indicate that there are several scenarios under preparation, with the main plan focusing on the rigorous implementation of existing agreements and Greek requests. Additionally, Greek government seeks additional cost sources, if Troika’s objections are not overcome.

According to EU officials, the problem is that Greece’s reforms were not related to the agreements of last June, with uniform payroll as most prominent example.

The memorandum of understanding provided clearly job layoffs and 12-month reserve, an issue that has been revived last week by troika.

The second point of dispute is public utilities and organizations, which did not merger/shutdown as agreed.
Additionally, interventions in main and supplementary pensions, health, payroll have not been implemented yet.

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