Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (6 lettori)

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December 16, 2011. Greece has € 2.0bn in 26-wk T-bills redemption. According to recent press reports quoting finance ministry sources, Greece has enough cash reserves to meet its funding needs until mid-December 2011th
December 19, 2011. € 1.17bn in 3-year Greek government bonds mature
December 20, 2011: ECB longer-term refinancing date announcement operations. This is the second of the two longer-term
The ECB refinancing operations LTROs announced at the October 6 meeting policy aiming to ease stresses in bank funding markets.
This border liquidity will have a maturity of approximately 13 months and the allotment date is 21 December. The operations will be conducted as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment.
December 22, 2011. € 979.6mn in 1-year zero coupon government bonds mature Greek

December 22, 2011: France has € 8.81bn in T-bills redemption
December 23, 2011: Greece has € 2.0bn in 13-wk T-bills redemption
December 27, 2011: Italy has € 2.5bn in 3-month T-bills redemption
December 29, 2011: France has € 4.61bn in T-bills redemption
December 30, 2011: Italy has € 8.8bn in 6-month T-bills redemption
December 30, 2011: € 714.7mn in 1-year zero-coupon bonds mature Greek
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New Act For Greek Statistics Issue

During private discussions, EU executives and officials admit that several countries use the features of Eurostat’ rules to manage state deficit. For example to allocate past debts of hospitals or funds.

The say that many countries found themselves in front of a discovery of further deficits, but there was never uproar as happened with Greek Statistics.

This is because the deficit was not a reason for political confrontation and competent authorities handled the extra deficit in a more flexible way to ensure the financial stability.

But in Greece, the two major parties did the exact opposite. The deficit is measured as a percentage of GDP, and if it exceeds 3%, then the country comes under surveillance.

Greece was in this right after 2004 elections, when ND government announced a realization of state fiscal figures. Similarly, in 2009 PASOK repeated the same process, giving great publicity to the issue.

As a result, the deficit in 2009 soared to 15.4%, while now the issue revives at European level, following the prosecutor’s investigations, after allegations that Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) ballooned deficit under Eurostat’s suggestions.

In a letter, Eurostat is supportive to ELSTAT President Andreas Georgiou, but it becomes evident that the EU organization is strongly concerned about the outcome of the investigation.

The next act will be played next week with the apology of ELSTAT’s head to the Prosecutor on 12 December.


La vicenda dell'aumento del deficit/PIL 2009 ...


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Biden: "Siamo pronti ad aiutare la Grecia in tutti i modi"


Pubblicato: Lunedi 5 Dicembre 2011

Ultimo aggiornamento: 2011/12/05 00:32


"Siamo pronti ad aiutare la Grecia in tutti i modi", ha detto U. S. vicepresidente Joe Biden, la dichiarazione congiunta con il Primo Ministro Lucas Papademos alla villa Massimo. In precedenza, Joe Biden è stato ammesso al palazzo presidenziale da parte del Presidente della Repubblica Karolos Papoulias.

Durante questi contatti, il vice Stati Uniti trasmettere un messaggio di sostegno da parte della U. S. governo in Grecia per affrontare la crisi economica.

Assaggio di questo messaggio ha dato ieri pomeriggio al suo arrivo ad Atene, dicendo che "i leader europei comprendere i costi dell'inazione, non c'è alternativa, e il tempo è in esecuzione, non solo in Europa ma anche negli Stati Uniti e in tutto il mondo. E poi aspettare le decisioni più difficili. "

Joe Biden incontrerà poi con i presidenti del PASOK e Nuova Democrazia George Papandreou e Antonis Samaras, un hotel al centro di Atene.

L'agenda dei colloqui sarà anche presente in tutti i greco-americane, con l'accento sulla cooperazione economica, il corso del problema di Cipro, la questione del nome della FYROM, la situazione nei Balcani, gli sviluppi nel Mediterraneo orientale e il Medio Oriente, e relazioni greco-turche.

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