Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 2 (6 lettori)

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Oggi si apre l'annuale assemblea del FMI.
Non c'è dubbio che, aldilà del giudizio dei "tecnici" della Troika ad Atene, peseranno le decisioni della "politica".
A questo riguardo, Tim Geithner, ha affermato ieri che: «Prevenire il default della Grecia è più importante che sostenere la crescita europea, gli Stati Uniti nel 2008 reagirono in fretta alla crisi e così ora devono fare i Paesi della zona euro».


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Grecia, Moody's taglia rating banche

venerdì 23 settembre 2011 07:54

23 settembre (Reuters) - Moody's ha tagliato il rating delle banche greche, concludendo l'analisi iniziata lo scorso 25 luglio.
Lo ha comunicato l'agenzia, specificando che sono stati ridotti di due 'notch' i rating sui depositi a lungo termine e sul debito senior di otto banche quotate del paese.
L'outlook su entrambe i rating di tutte le otto banche è negativo.
In particolare, si legge nella nota, National Bank of Greece NBgr.AT, Efg Eurobank (EFGr.AT: Quotazione), Alpha Bank (ACBr.AT: Quotazione), Piraeus Bank (BOPr.AT: Quotazione), Agricultural Bank of Greece (AGBr.AT: Quotazione) e Attica Bank (BOAr.AT: Quotazione) sono state declassate a Caa2 da B3; Emporiki Bank (CBGr.AT: Quotazione) e General Bank of Greece (GHBr.AT: Quotazione) a B3 from B1.

Oggi Moody's ha tagliato il rating della Slovenia portandolo ad Aa3 con outlook negativo.


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Emergency tax set to become permanent

The emergency property tax, which the government said less than two weeks ago would be introduced for two years in order to fill a gap in Greece’s public finances, will instead become a permanent feature of the country’s tax code.
Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos tabled the tax legislation in Parliament and revealed that the tax will apply as an emergency measure this year and next and will then become part of the national taxation system, which means that it will apply annually.
Sources suggested that the emergency levy may replace an already existing property tax after 2012 but the government has not yet given any public indication that this might happen.
Venizelos announced a change to the law that would allow the long-term unemployed who have an annual income of less than 12,000 euros to be exempt from the tax. Families with three or more children and disabled people will pay the minimum rate of 0.50 euros per square meter.
Depending on the real estate valuations set by each tax office, homeowners will have to pay up to 16 euros per square meter for their properties each year.
However, the legislation is being challenged in court. Athens lawyer and former New Democracy candidate Angelos Tsigris Thursday submitted the first challenge with the Council of State, Greece’s highest administrative court. The Athens Bar Association is expected to ask the Supreme Court to review the property tax and the other austerity measures announced this week.
Parliament is due to vote on the real estate tax on Tuesday.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday September 22, 2011 (22:24)

La nuova tassa che contribuirà a far rientrare il deficit/PIL entro le misure concordate.


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Measures divide PASOK

Several MPs resist new round of austerity as PM, ministers try to change their minds


Prime Minister George Papandreou and Finance Minister Evangelos Venizelos on Thursday began the tough task of talking round PASOK MPs who are opposed to the austerity measures announced by the government over the last few days, as the prospect of the steps being rejected by Parliament becomes a strong possibility.
The House had been due to vote Thursday on the emergency property tax, just one of several measures unveiled in recent days, but sensing a very negative mood among Socialist deputies, the government put off the ballot until Tuesday.
Papandreou immediately invited MPs to his office to discuss their grievances and the deputies were also addressed later by Venizelos, Administrative Reform Minister Dimitris Reppas and Labor Minister Giorgos Koutroumanis. Sources said that at least five or six PASOK deputies said they were not prepared to support the real estate tax. Were they to carry through their threat not to vote for it, the bill would sink as PASOK only has 154 of the 300 seats in Parliament, down from 160 when the party was elected to power two years ago.
Papandreou and Venizelos warned the deputies of the consequences of Greece not passing the latest austerity measures and therefore not qualifying for its next loan installment for the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund, which is 8 billion euros.
There is no other way,” Papandreou reportedly told PASOK lawmakers. “The other path leads to bankruptcy, which will have major consequences for every household.
“We know it will be difficult but now is time for the most decisive battle of all.”
Venizelos suggested that despite a shrinking economy and rising unemployment, things would get worse if Greece defaulted. “Unfortunately, this is not the crisis,” he said. “This is a great effort that we are making to protect ourselves and avoid the crisis. Because the crisis will be like in Argentina in 2000. In other words, the total destruction of the economy, institutions, social fabric and of the country’s production base.”
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde is reported to have described comparisons between Greece and Argentina as “unfortunate.”

ekathimerini.com , Thursday September 22, 2011 (22:56)


Il difficile passaggio parlamentare della nuova legge sulla tassazione degli immobili dovrebbe essere approvato martedì.
C'è resistenza all'interno del Pasok.
Suppongo che, dopo il voto favorevole, dalla Troika possa venire il via libera alla Sesta Tranche.


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Ieri giornata di recupero sui nostri ellenici mentre appare sempre più profonda la crisi intorno all'Italia.
La Troika ha forzato la mano all'Esecutivo di Atene ed i sindacati hanno risposto con due giornate di sciopero generale indette per il mese di ottobre.
La Task Force della UE è già al lavoro per cercare di far ripartire un pò l'economia. Sono stati pianificati 5 grossi progetti per ognuna delle 13 regioni che compongono la Grecia. A disposizione 7,5 MLD.
In tensione gli spread di Irlanda e Portogallo mentre la Spagna cerca di dare risposte ai mercati.

Grecia 2039 pb. (2248)
Portogallo 1007 pb. (993)
Irlanda 699 pb. (690)
Italia 401 pb. (399)
Spagna 361 pb. (365)
Belgio 203 pb. (203)

Tommy, ma la Spagna ha recuperato 70-80 b.p. sull'Italia in un anno?


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Troika still considering other options

The deeper-than-expected recession and the government’s inability to collect ordinary revenue and implement structural changes sent the budget deficit 4.57 billion euros higher than the target in the January-July 2011 period.
This negative development is considered to have prompted Greece’s international bailout creditors -- the International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the European Central Bank, collectively known as the troika -- to press for the harder measures announced by the government on Wednesday, namely making the emergency property tax announced some 12 days ago permanent, lowering the tax-free income threshold from 8,000 to 5,000 euros and the urgent transfer of about 30,000 public sector workers to a labor reserve scheme.
According to Finance Ministry data released on Thursday, net revenues were 3.5 billion euros off target and expenses 1 billion higher. As a result, the deficit shot up 22 percent to 18 billion euros year-on-year in the first eight months. And the yearly targets seem unattainable, as the remaining sum for collection is 5.8 billion per month, when monthly inflows vary between 3.7 and 4 billion euros.
Sources say the troika is still expressing doubts about the government’s intentions to fully implement the measures heralded. Its officials say they will wait for more details on the measures next week, as the announcements referred to measures already agreed to in the midterm program last July.
“We are taking note of the government’s announcements... they will be examined in detail by the troika when it returns to Athens,” said European Commission spokesman Olivier Bally. “The aim is for talks to resume in Athens next week but we shall see if this is realistic.”
The head of the Commission’s special task force for Greece, Horst Reichenbach, told Germany’s ZDF TV channel on Thursday that, “in talks with Greek ministers last week I found strong will for a real implementation of reforms and not just on paper.”
Separately, the IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde said in Washington on Thursday that Greece could not be allowed down the path of disorderly default, like Argentina, as eurozone members were committed to supporting each other.
“The program is difficult. Negotiations with Greece focus on the need for any measures to ensure lighter burdens for the underprivileged,” she said.

ekathimerini.com , Thursday September 22, 2011 (22:21)

La recessione irrigidisce le posizioni.


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Tommy, ma la Spagna ha recuperato 70-80 b.p. sull'Italia in un anno?

Anche in meno di un anno.
Tradizionalmente la Spagna aveva un differenziale migliore, grazie al suo debito più basso.
Poi l'Italia, in seguito alla forte crisi che ha investito la Spagna, è riuscita poco a poco a superarla sino a questa estate quando il trend si è invertito.
Zapatero ha preso misure che sono parse ai mercati più decise e risolutive.
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