Titoli di Stato area Euro GRECIA Operativo titoli di stato - Cap. 3 (18 lettori)


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ND: Dimissioni Samaras - Presidente Esecutivo Vangelis Meimarakis - Si avvieranno le procedure per l'elezione del nuovo presidente

Potrà ritornare a giocare con Gyorgos ... come hai vecchi tempi ...


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CB seen keeping reduced lifeline for Greek banks after vote - sources 05/07/2015 22:13 - RSF
FRANKFURT, July 5 (Reuters) - European Central Bank policy setters are likely to maintain emergency funding for Greek banks at its current restricted level, people familiar with the matter said on Sunday, following Greece's rejection in areferendum of bailout conditions.

Such a move would give Greek banks little time before they use up all of the roughly 89 billion euros of funding available and ensure that they remain closed for at least the coming days.

But it would avoidthe drastic option of withdrawing existing support, a measure that would trigger their immediate collapse.

Although no final decision has been taken and the matter will be the subject of debate when ECB policy setters talk on Monday, they arelikely to decide to maintain Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) at its current level, the people said.

One person said in advance of the referendum result that a 'no' vote would prompt no immediate action with regards to the provision offunding while a second person confirmed that the referendum would not trigger a change.

The central bankers are also set to discuss increasing the haircut or discount that values the security Greek banks offer in return for funding.

Thismay, however, be a largely symbolic step to show that they are reacting to the situation, without curbing banks' access to funds.


ok, ma stampano cosa? neodracme?
se fosse, che cambio si può ipotizzare con l'euro?

Una qualsiasi forma di carta che consenta di pagare stipendi e pensioni.
Parlano di quei pagherò, ma la vedo dura, più facile la moneta parallela, ma a quel punto significa che si esce dall'€ (non che si fa bancarotta). Non so se schauble si sia bevuto qualcosa prima di dire suggerire un'uscita temporanea, non so se sia possibile.
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* Reuters: riserve invariato in ELA alle banche greche, la BCE - Non vi è alcun aumento taglio di capelli

Se confermato, è una prima notizia positiva.

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