Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (2 lettori)

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german pallets

questo è il report per i primi 9 mesi 2015. i numeri non sono male, anzi. io provo a prendere 10k a 10. vediamo
You are here > German Pellets > Investor Relations > News & Contact > Corporate News >
German Pellets: Sales, total output and EBITDA increase
The German Pellets Group increased its total output and EBITDA in the first nine months of the current business year. As of 30 September 2015, the Group’s total output had risen by around ten percent to reach EUR 442.5 m. (previous year: EUR 400.6 m.). At the end of this year’s first nine months, EBITDA amounted to EUR 38 m. (previous year: EUR 37 m.).
ʺSeen against the background of what, compared to last year, is a continued low price level in the end-consumer market, this is a positive developmentʺ, says Peter H. Leibold, Managing Director of German Pellets GmbH. A contribution to this was that it proved possible to further boost pellet sales over the year to date, both in sales to industrial and power-station customers via distribution channels, and also in the end-consumer sector. A strong impetus also came from the bagged-pellets business. In this market segment alone, a volume increase of around 30 per cent was recorded. Existing contracts with national and international distributors alike were able to be prolonged and new season contracts were able to be concluded. Other than Germany, important markets in the bagged-goods sector are France, Italy, Denmark and, increasingly, eastern European countries, such as Slovenia, where German Pellets has just recently been awarded the title of test-winner with its wood pellets.
In the end-consumer market, German Pellets continues to benefit from the expansion of the sales structures. Over the last months, as in previous periods, the company has further invested in sales, opening up new sales offices in Handewitt (Schleswig-Holstein state), Wunsiedel and Munich (Bavaria state) and also expanding its warehouse network and product-delivery fleet. In trade business, the trading desk for such trade with wood pellets and wood chip has secured certification for its activities in accordance with the recognised sustainability guidelines both of the FSC and of the PEFC Chain of Custody – this reinforces the fact that the company’s raw materials and products are sourced from sustainable forestry. After the commencement of operations by the second US facility operated by German Pellets, namely in Urania, Louisiana, at the start of this year, that site has now likewise attained certification according to the PEFC Chain of Custody. The current rating from Creditreform places German Pellets GmbH at ꞌBB-ꞌ (watch).
The Group’s interim report in full can be viewed at Startseite | German Pellets under ʺInvestor Relationsʺ.


Forumer storico
ore 9 ricompro rickmers a 65???? 25k che ne dite?

Scusa la domanda, ma perchè fai questi investimenti, se alle 7:40 sei già in ansia? Evidentemente o ci stai mettendo troppi soldi in rapporto al tuo patrimonio, o l'investimento è troppo rischioso, o non sai quello che compri.

Prima di investire ti sei letta i bilanci? hai fatto una piccola analisi del settore?
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