Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 1 (5 lettori)

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Money Never Sleeps
Sell Norske 11.75% XS0636567710 @ 91.50 (prezzo dato 91.00 eseguito meglio) :up:
Buy Seat 10.50% XS0482702395 @ 61.00 (prezzo dato 62.00 eseguito meglio) :up:
Petrol A.D. 8.375% XS0211812447 me la danno illiquida...
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Forumer storico
L'austriaco Bernhard Baumgartner è stato nominato CEO della Alpine Germania. Il turnaround manager per quasi 30 anni ha riportato numerose aziende in Europa, negli Stati Uniti e in Asia al successo. Baumgartner assume la direzione da Enrique Sanz, CFO della società madre austriaca Alpine Holding GmbH, che dopo le dimissioni di Dotter guidava Alpine Germania da CEO.

Henner Mahlstedt è stato nominato membro del consiglio di Alpine Bau AG Germania. Era 2005-2011 CEO di Hochtief Construction AG (poi Hochtief Solutions AG). Hochtief è il più grande fornitore di servizi di costruzione, settimo al mondo e leader di mercato in Germania. Da presidente del Consiglio è stato riconfermato Wolfgang Schwaiger.

(preso da foro tedesco)

Da venerdì la Alpine 5,25% 2015 (AT0000A0JDG2) è quotata non solo a Francoforte, ma in alternativa alla Borsa di Stoccarda.


sempre molto debole il 2015,oggi scambia a 62 a francoforte


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un po' vecchiotto...


Ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide distribution. For the content of this announcement.
ISIN: AT0000A0V834
The ALPINE Holding GmbH (the Issuer) has completed its ongoing talks with its creditor banks of the ALPINE Group positively. Today, a standstill agreement was effectively that banks and insurance companies will put their loans at least until the end of February 2013 is not due and the ALPINE Group credit and bank guarantees up to that point will still be available.
The internal financial statements of the Group as of 30.09.2012 Alpine recorded a loss in the amount of EUR 89.2 million in the third quarter of 2012, mainly due to the losses incurred from the Berichtszeitrum develop specific projects, the Alpine Group, and an increase in the cost of dropping out comes from certain markets.
The Issuer continues to work steadily and purposefully to its restructuring plan for the ALPINE Group, which will be available in the first quarter of 2013 and is supported by its sole shareholder FCC, who has agreed to short-term external financial support.
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