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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
Bahrain has received pledges of financial support of $10 billion over the
next four years from other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) sovereigns.
It remains unclear how closely the financial support package will be tied
to progress on the government's ambitious consolidation plan, which aims
to balance the budget by 2022.
We expect the government's budget balance to remain in deficit over our
forecast period, due to our view that some of the government's budgetary
consolidation measures might be less effective than planned.
Nevertheless, we expect the vast majority of financial support to be
disbursed because of Bahrain's importance to donor countries.
Io invece non mi riuscivo a spiegare le quotazioni precedenti. Un rating del genere con quella scadenza e quotazioni intorno 100 non riuscivo a spiegarmele. Il settore è in grossa crisi. Ci sono oggi IG a breve (max 2023) che rendono il 5% circa.
Il bond 2027 7% di Talen, rating B2, quota 60!