Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (12 lettori)


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What is one of your best ideas for 2019, and what is the story?
Richard Lejeune: KTP and the other J.C. Penney (JCP) 2097 bond trusts including HJV, PFH, JBN and JBR are tremendously oversold. Some are now trading for less than 25 cents on the dollar. They are trading at a very large discount to the JCP 2097 bonds held by the trusts. JCP and the retail sector are currently despised by investors. Despite all its well publicized problems, JCP remains cash flow positive. It has excellent liquidity and has no major debt maturities for a few years. The new CEO has a chance to turn things around. A strong economy with low gasoline prices and the recent demise of some of its competitors such as Sears (OTCPK:SHLDQ) should help.
Io ho PFH


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Dopo aver deluso le stime di Wall Street in merito alle consegne, 63.150 Model 3, meno delle 63.698 attese dagli analisti, proprio quest’ultima sarebbe in procinto di sbarcare in Europa. Lo riporta Bloomberg secondo cui al lancio della Model 3 nel Vecchio Continente mancherebbe un mese esatto.

Ma io mi chiedo che c....zo cambia 548 auto in meno rispetto alle previsioni? Lo trovo ridicolo

captain sparrow

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gente, una domanda: riuscite a fare la ricerca su FINRA per emittente? ho provato con vari nomi per la W&T Offshore, ma niente da fare. qualcuno ha avuto esperienza analoghe?

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