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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
osservo solo che la reazione che desideravano i bondisti c'è stata, ovvero un rialzo.
di fatto il debito va a slittare in un periodo di congestione del debito
la colonnina rosa del 2021 viene spostata al 2027
lo scoglio del 2022 rimane
a meno che non rollino anche questo il prossimo anno
Petrobras Global Finance B.V. has offered to purchase, for cash, any and all of its outstanding 4.375% Global Notes due May 2023.
Option 1 - Take no action
Option 2 - Tender notes for cash: 1,015.00 USD + Accrued Interest per 1,000 Principal Amount tendered and accepted.
Minimum Tender Requirement: 2,000 principal amount and in multiples of 1,000 thereafter, holders who do not tender all of their notes must continue to hold the minimum authorized amount of 2,000
Fitch Assigns Sri Lanka's USD Bonds Final 'B' Rating
13 MAR 2019 08:06 PM ET
Fitch Ratings-Hong Kong-13 March 2019: Fitch Ratings has assigned a final rating of 'B' to the following bonds issued by Sri Lanka on 7 March 2019:
- USD1 billion 6.85% bond due 2024
- USD1.4 billion 7.85% bond due 2029