Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Nuova emissione. FEDRIGONI.
Gran bella realta' italiana.

Parlo per esperienza diretta - eccellente management e buona redditivita' (etichette per vini, nicchie ad alta redditivita').

Inserito ordine per un lotto (100k, gira sui 101.3, cedole trimestrali), domani verifico se eseguito.
Floor a zero, dunque prima cedola 4.125%.

Fabric (BC) S.p.A. announces the pricing of €225.0 million of Senior Secured Floating Rate Notes due 2026 MILAN, ITALY, February 5, 2020. Fabric (BC) S.p.A. (the “Issuer” and, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”) announced today the pricing of its previously-announced offering of €225.0 million in aggregate principal amount of senior secured floating rate notes due 2026 (the “Notes”). The Notes will be issued at par, with a cash coupon of three-month EURIBOR, plus 4.125% per annum, reset quarterly, payable quarterly in arrears. The closing of the sale of the Notes is scheduled to be completed on or about February 12, 2020, and is subject to customary conditions. The proceeds from the offering of the Notes will be used, together with cash on hand, as part of the refinancing of the indebtedness incurred under the bridge facilities agreement dated as of January 27, 2020, including accrued interest thereon. The proceeds from the bridge facilities agreement were used (i) for the acquisition of all of the issued and outstanding share capital of Ritrama S.p.A., Coating Ricofin S.p.A. and Eurotac S.p.A

ho cercato e ho trovato pure questa:

XS1816220328 questo è un tasso fisso 3,8114% scadenza 2024; d ; Borsa di Berlino lo da a 99,70

e la tua XS2115092285 che hai segnalato , sempre euribor 3M + 4,13 scad 2026. Ma anche questa dove quota o quoterà ?
Ultima modifica:
Non so se può servire alla discussione, ma io, quando l'avevo acquistata qualche anno fa, avevo segnato tra gli appunti "uno dei due commercianti globali di tabacco in foglia di proprietà pubblica"...

Purtroppo si stanno muovendo gli hedge funds che hanno molto debito pyxus in pancia..il bond vivacchiera' sui 50 circa...l'azione invece rischia di scivolare parecchio...
Lotto minimo ?

Bond Ecuador 9.65% ( XS1535071986 ) in USD

Issuer Ecuador
Market price 83.09 USD ▼
ISIN code
XS1535071986 ( in USD )
Interest rate 9.65% per year ( payment 2 times a year)
Maturity 13/12/2026

Prospectus is unavailable at this time
We will provide it as soon as possible
Minimal amount 200 000 USD
Total amount 1 791 000 000 USD
Next Coupon 13/06/2020 ( In 120 days )
Detailed description The Bond issued by Ecuador, in USD, with the ISIN code XS1535071986, pays a coupon of 9.65% per year.
The coupons are paid 2 times per year and the Bond maturity is 13/12/2026

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