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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
Metalcorp Group resolves to issue a secured bond 2021/2026 with a volume of up to EUR 250 million including an exchange offer to holders of the existing bond 2017/2022 (ISIN: DE000A19MDV0)
Metalcorp Group resolves to issue a secured bond 2021/2026 with a volume of up to EUR 250 million including an exchange offer to holders of the existing bond 2017/2022 (ISIN: DE000A19MDV0)
<p>Aufgrund der Covid-19 Auswirkungen kann die Emittentin die zum 1. Juni 2021 fällig gewordenen Zinsen für die 7,25% Unternehmensanleihe der Hylea Group S.A.</p>
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<p>Aufgrund der Covid-19 Auswirkungen kann die Emittentin die zum 1. Juni 2021 fällig gewordenen Zinsen für die 7,25% Unternehmensanleihe der Hylea Group S.A.</p>
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