Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

nella scheda, non so se ancora attuale, si dice: Amortising da 2019-04, 2.5% ogni quarter <=2022-07, 3.0% ogni quarter <=2026-01, 4.0% ogni quarter <=2027-04
nella scheda, non so se ancora attuale, si dice: Amortising da 2019-04, 2.5% ogni quarter <=2022-07, 3.0% ogni quarter <=2026-01, 4.0% ogni quarter <=2027-04
Da prospetto: The Notes will mature on April 17, 2027. The Province will pay the principal of the Notes in 33 quarterly periods starting on April 17, 2019, as follows: (i) the first 12 payments will be in equal installments of 2.500% of the initial aggregate principal amount, (ii) the subsequent 14 payments will be in equal installments of 3.000% of the initial aggregate principal amount and (iii) the final 7 payments will be in equal installments of 4.000% of the initial aggregate principal amount.
Credo sia ancora così; ho fatto una simulazione di acquisto con DB e i conti tornano

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