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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
Risale decisamente. Aver acquistato sotto 80 è già un bel risultato e comunque in quel momento serviva anche una buona dose di coraggio.
Quel giorno ho pensato di vendere le mie 10k di ylea per 5k di ekosem ma non ero troppo convinto.
Transocean (NYSE:RIG) -2.2% post-market after reporting a larger than expected Q2 loss and a 27.5% Y/Y decline in revenues to $713M.
Contract drilling revenues rose by $3M Q/Q but fell 29% Y/Y to $656M, as three rigs returned to work following a shipyard stay, partially offset by two rigs that went idle in during the quarter.
Contract backlog fell 18% Y/Y to $7.3B as of the July Fleet Status Report.
Q2 adjusted EBITDA was $255M, compared to $245M in Q1.
"As we enter the back half of this year, we remain encouraged by the upcycle that is currently unfolding," President and CEO Jeremy Thigpen says. "Assuming oil prices remain supportive, we see utilization and dayrates for our ultra-deepwater assets materially improving as we move into 2022."