Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Ciao a tutti.

Ho ricevuto questo messaggio (travelex 8% in default).
Cosa in pratica significa/devo/posso fare?

Grazie a chi potra' chiarire.

La parte saliente e' questa:
NOTICE TO ALL HOLDERS OF THE €360 MILLION 8% SENIOR SECURED NOTES DUE 2022 (THE “NOTES”) ISSUED BY TRAVELEX FINANCING PLC (IN ADMINISTRATION) (“ISSUER”) ISIN: XS1577963306 (REGULATION S) AND XS1577964882 (RULE 144A); COMMON CODE: 157796330 (REGULATION S) AND 157796488 (RULE 144A) Capitalised terms used and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the Warrants Notice distributed to holders by the Issuer on 6 August 2020. The Holding Period for the unclaimed Warrants expired the date falling 12 months after the date of the Holding Period Trust Deed. In accordance with the terms of the Holding Period Trust Deed, the Holding Period Trustee shall now sell any remaining Residual Trust Assets and distribute any cash proceeds to Trust Creditors via the Clearing Systems. The Record Date to be used to distribute the cash proceeds to Trust Creditors will be the 20 th August 2021.
raga aiuto.... PORTUGAL 2024 sono ancora valide anche se anche prezzo alto ?

qualcosa di similare e sicuro , per non perdere la pensione ? grazieee
Qui non si danno consigli per investire
Ognuno posta proprie idee o eseguiti

sta a te e solo a te decidere cosa è meglio

sei nella sezione sbagliata
Qui solo high yield e obbligazioni con rating spazzatura
Qui non si danno consigli per investire
Ognuno posta proprie idee o eseguiti

sta a te e solo a te decidere cosa è meglio

sei nella sezione sbagliata
Qui solo high yield e obbligazioni con rating spazzatura
siccome non é molto frequentata la sezione TDS portoghesi bisogna scovarla,
lascio il link
  • Global seaborne shipping and logistics company Navios Maritime (NYSE:NM) announcing the redemption of $20M of senior secured notes.
  • The company released a notice of redemption for $20M of aggregate principal amount of its 11.25% Senior Secured Notes due 2022 at a redemption price equal to 100.00% of the aggregate principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest to, but excluding, the redemption date of September 13, 2021. It previously redeemed $100M of the Notes.
  • Following these transactions, $185M of Notes will remain outstanding.

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