Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (10 lettori)


Membro dello Staff
Scusate ma il rating di Ecopetrol si conosce? Il fatto che sia Colombia non mi tranquillizza
Ecopetrol è statale e dal 2010 al 2015 ha subito la concorrenza di pacific rubiales . Pacific rubiales estraeva il 30% di tutto il crudo della Colombia
Questa concorrenza fece molto bene a ecopetrol
Fu un ottimo stimolo per migliorare i processi produttivi
Poi pacific rubiales falli e venuta meno la spinta della concorrenza anche ecopetrol incominciò una lenta discesa
È possibile che con l’aumento dei prezzi del crudo anche i margini di ecopetrol aumenteranno per riportarla a rating Baa2


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Nuova emissione

** NEW ISSUE: Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 | Dual Tranche New Issue **

Issuer:Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 S.A.
Format:Reg S only
Security:Class I Series 2021 Additional Senior Secured Notes due 2031Senior Secured Notes due 2028
Tap/Issue Size:U.S.$64 million (WNG)U.S.$56 million
Outstanding Amount:~U.S.$ 209 millionN/A
Expected Issue Ratings*:Caa3 / CCC+N/A
Final Maturity:August 1, 2031 (7.8y WAL)November 1, 2028 (5y WAL)
Coupon:8.50%, quarterly9.50%, quarterly
Re-Offer Price:98.0% (plus accrued; see red)100.0%
Collateral:(i) Tariff Collateral, shared with 2017 and 2020 Notes under the same indenture; (ii) Subordinated security on Cargo Collateral; (iii) Series 2021 Offshore Reserve Account. Upon cancellation of 2017 and 2020 Notes, pari passu Tariff and Cargo flows (see red)(i) Cargo Collateral (shared with commercial bank lenders); (ii) Offshore Reserve Account Collateral. Upon cancellation of 2017 and 2020 Notes, pari passu Tariff and Cargo flows (see red)
Optional Redemption:HY call schedule (see red)HY call schedule (see red)
Min. Denominations:US$1,000 x US$1US$1 x US$1
Min. Subscription Amount:US$150,000US$150,000
Form & Delivery:Settlement in DTCSettlement in Euroclear
Use of Proceeds:Capital expenditures and other working capital purposes (see red)
Expected Listing:Buenos Aires Stock Exchange, MAE and Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Expected Settlement:T+3 (November 4, 2021)
Sole Bookrunner:Citi
Governing Law:New York (Argentina for the Onshore Security Documents)
Expected Timing:Today’s business (November 1, 2021), books to go subject 12pm NYT/4PM UKT


Caribbean Trader
Nuova emissione rating bb-. Non conosco importo minimo

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