Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

Egypt 2021 non-oil exports jump 26% at over $32 bln - trade minister 19/01/2022 09:22 - RSF
DUBAI, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Egypt achieved a 26% jump in its non-oil exports amounting to $32.128 billion in 2021 compared with $25.427 billion the country reported in exports for 2020, the trade minister said in a statement on Wednesday.

(Reporting by Ahmed Ismail; Writing by Shakeel Ahmad; Editing by Alison Williams)
(([email protected];))
Egypt posts first-half primary surplus of $204.34 mln - finance minister 19/01/2022 12:02 - RSF
CAIRO, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Egypt registered a primary surplus of 3.2 billion Egyptian pounds ($204.34 million) for the July-December period of the fiscal year 2021/2022, a cabinet statement quoted the finance minister as saying on Wednesday.

The minister attributed the surplus in the first six months of the fiscal year to higher tax revenues that increased 15.7%.

($1 = 15.6600 Egyptian pounds)

(Reporting Momen Atallah; writing by Shakeel Ahmad; Editing by Alison Williams)
(([email protected];))
Egypt cabinet approves international sukuk issue - statement 19/01/2022 12:35 - RSF
CAIRO, Jan 19 (Reuters) - The Egyptian cabinet has given the finance ministry the go-ahead to take measures aimed at issuing sovereign sukuk on international markets, a cabinet statement said on Wednesday.

(Reporting by Moamen Said Attallah; Writing by Shakeel Ahmad; Editing by Alison Williams)
(([email protected];))
paragon in franchi
a Zurigo ci sono da qualche giorno buoni quantitativi in acquisto
per esempio ora ci sono più di 200k a quota 50
l'ultimo prezzo pagato é 51
trattandosi di una emissione molto piccola, ridotta nel tempo, la cosa incuriosisce
Posto questa news....Azz.....

Lufthansa Skips First Hybrid Coupon Pending End of State Support (BBG)

Deutsche Lufthansa gave notice to holders of EU500m 2075 hybrid note that it will defer the annual coupon payment next month, following its decision last year to suspend interest payments on the subordinated issue until government support ends.
Riguardo Lufthansa 2075 hybrid i tempi di restart del coupon sono i seguenti: dato che l´ESF (Economic Stabilization Fund) si é impegnato a vendere la partecipazione in Lufthasa entro Ottobre 2023 "at the latest". Pagando il bond la cedola annualmente in febbraio, dei 2 uno: se vendono velocemente entro febbraio 2023 allora ricominciamo ad incassare il coupon da febbario 2023 altrimenti dobbiamo aspettare febbraio 2024.
Ultima modifica:
scusate .. ho comprato bonds da anni insieme a voi...
ma un dubbio mi assilla leggendo i vostri msg..
ritenete sia ora il momento di acquistare obbligazioni visti i prossimi aumenti dei tassi di interesse?...io credo di no anzi credo si debbano vendere

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