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Obbligazioni societarieHIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2
ultimo prezzo pagato per TALEN 2025 è addirittura 72,80, non so cosa succeda, notizia ufficiale più recente è del 2 giugno scorso con ingresso di 1,3 miliardi di investimento poi nulla.
Glencore has sold its minority stake in Yancoal Australia , the company confirmed on Wednesday, finally ending its time at the coal business that it's been trying to exit for years.
bond Vedanta 2024 ha recuperato il 20% dai minimi. Risultati bilancio ottimi, purtroppo la proprietá privilegia i dividendi anziché ridurre i debiti, altrimenti la incrementerei
The company's depreciation and amortisation increased by 16% year-on-year to Rs 2,464 crore on account of higher depletion charge in oil and gas and higher ore production at Zinc India
To this end, a consortium of financial institutions has been mandated to target qualified institutional investors in a private placement. The investor approach is expected to be completed in the next two weeks.
Cardea Europe intends to use the net proceeds from the transaction to further acquire independent asset managers in continental Europe, with a focus on the DACH region, as well as the UK and usa. The aim is to further increase assets under management and to tap into synergy potential.