Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2

iutecredit results

nel doc sopra

European Investor Meetings:

IuteCredit Europe mandated GOTTEX Brokers SA (Switzerland), Signet Bank AS (Latvia), Bankhaus Scheich Wertpapierspezialist AG (Germany), Redgate Capital AS (Estonia), and Adamant Capital Partners (Bulgaria) to arrange a series of European professional investor meetings in connection with the upcoming refinancing of its EUR 50 million Senior Secured Corporate Bonds maturing in August 2023.

quindi potrebbe essere interessante prendere la 23 sempre che uno abbia fiducia in Iutecredit, presumo che offriranno bonus per scambio, anche se chiaramente non sappiamo a che tasso usciranno
nel doc sopra

European Investor Meetings:

IuteCredit Europe mandated GOTTEX Brokers SA (Switzerland), Signet Bank AS (Latvia), Bankhaus Scheich Wertpapierspezialist AG (Germany), Redgate Capital AS (Estonia), and Adamant Capital Partners (Bulgaria) to arrange a series of European professional investor meetings in connection with the upcoming refinancing of its EUR 50 million Senior Secured Corporate Bonds maturing in August 2023.

quindi potrebbe essere interessante prendere la 23 sempre che uno abbia fiducia in Iutecredit, presumo che offriranno bonus per scambio, anche se chiaramente non sappiamo a che tasso usciranno
Mi ero completamente dimenticato che avevano la 2023 ,ne ero uscito giusto un anno fa per switchare sulla 2026,vediamo che si inventano

Preparations for the refinancing of the Group’s outstanding Eurobond in the volume of 50 million EUR expected to be implemented before May 2023 are already in full swing. We aim for successful refinancing despite global headwinds on capital markets for three simple reasons: First, demand for attractive investment opportunities remains high. Particularly in times of elevated inflation and interest rates that are only rising subsequently, a high cash ratio is not an alternative. Here, we are convinced that we offer investors an attractive choice with our refinancing. Second, we make money on the money. That means our products are carefully embedded in our customers’ daily cashflows. In doing so, our products are not overstretching our customers’ income even in an inflationary environment and with higher energy prices. Third, options are also opening up for the Iute Group in the current environment. For example, 1 percentage point of coupon on Frankfurt-listed bonds currently costs us 1,25 million EUR per annum while annualized profit of the unsecured consumer loans business (excluding FX and profits related to the bank) is around 6 million EUR. Accordingly, there is a threshold above which it makes sense to use the investor’s money for the business or, alternatively, to redeem the bonds and reduce the Group’s balance sheet by 50 million EUR.
Mi ero completamente dimenticato che avevano la 2023 ,ne ero uscito giusto un anno fa per switchare sulla 2026,vediamo che si inventano

Preparations for the refinancing of the Group’s outstanding Eurobond in the volume of 50 million EUR expected to be implemented before May 2023 are already in full swing. We aim for successful refinancing despite global headwinds on capital markets for three simple reasons: First, demand for attractive investment opportunities remains high. Particularly in times of elevated inflation and interest rates that are only rising subsequently, a high cash ratio is not an alternative. Here, we are convinced that we offer investors an attractive choice with our refinancing. Second, we make money on the money. That means our products are carefully embedded in our customers’ daily cashflows. In doing so, our products are not overstretching our customers’ income even in an inflationary environment and with higher energy prices. Third, options are also opening up for the Iute Group in the current environment. For example, 1 percentage point of coupon on Frankfurt-listed bonds currently costs us 1,25 million EUR per annum while annualized profit of the unsecured consumer loans business (excluding FX and profits related to the bank) is around 6 million EUR. Accordingly, there is a threshold above which it makes sense to use the investor’s money for the business or, alternatively, to redeem the bonds and reduce the Group’s balance sheet by 50 million EUR.

la 23 da 50 ml ha 13% cedola e gira da tempo a 100, la 2026 11% gira più bassa, ma rende ca 13% vediamo dove si posizionano, ma presumo non molto distante da 13%
Su Logitech cosa vi aspettavate? Se a due mesi dalla scadenza quota a 80 cosa ci si poteva aspettare? Piuttosto queste richieste agli obbligazionisti mi sembrano oziose: quale alternativa avremmo se non concedere i 3mesi?
Diversi di noi ultimamente hanno ipotizzato che r-logitech stia riacquistando le proprie obbligazioni, proprio per i prezzi convenienti. Questa comunicazione potrebbe quindi servire ad acquistare ancora a prezzi migliori e quindi si può pensare sia frutto di un calcolo organizzato ad arte.
Se hanno allungato il bond di 12 mesi è perchè prevedono di riuscire a rimborsarlo entro tale periodo.
si, ma se non sapessero che pesci pigliare cmq non potrebbero allungare più di un anno. d'altra parte, per quel che ne posso capire e salvo trucchi e magheggi contabili, sia metalcorp che r-logitech non sembrerebbero società gestite male, hanno cmq un rating, e che dopo il covid si siano trovate in crisi di liquidità (metalcorp conta di rientrare nel 2024) è comprensibile.
Ma guarda…Exela Intermediate LLC, an Exela Technologies Inc. subsidiary, made interest payments initially due last month within a 30-day grace period, according to a regulatory filing.

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