Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (2 lettori)


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Membro dello Staff
Disposizioni inviate ora:
FR0011896513 GROUPAMA 28/05/2024 100.000 euro al prezzo di 112.70
XS1085735899 PORTUGAL 15/10/2024 50.000 $ al prezzo di 102.50
US87927VAM00 2034 6% 50.000 $ in area 95,40
XS1708450215 WIND 20/01/2024 TV 100.000 euro in area 85
IT0005087116 UNICREDIT 03/05/2025 TV 50.000 euro in area 99
Mediobanca 3% IT0005056483 20.000 $ area 98, Titolo quotato sul MOT
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Caribbean Trader
Bangladesh 'BB-/B' Ratings Affirmed; Outlook Stable
  • 31-May-2018 04:44 EDT
View Analyst Contact Information


Foreign and local currency: BB-/Stable/B
For further details see Ratings List.


  • Bangladesh faces the vulnerabilities of a low-middle-income economy,
    fiscal constraints, and heavy development needs, but benefits from low
    external debt.
  • We are affirming our 'BB-' long-term and 'B' short-term sovereign credit
    ratings on Bangladesh.
  • The stable outlook balances the country's healthy economic growth
    prospects and an improving external profile against fiscal weaknesses and
    development requirements.
On May 31, 2018, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'BB-' long-term and 'B'
short-term sovereign credit ratings on Bangladesh. The outlook remains stable.
The transfer and convertibility (T&C) assessment remains 'BB-'.

The stable outlook reflects our expectation that Bangladesh's consistent
economic growth trajectory and strong donor support will continue to raise
average income and broadly sustain the country's external profile over the
next 12 months. These factors are balanced against enduring governance and
fiscal weaknesses, and infrastructure deficits.

We may downgrade the sovereign if fiscal slippages result in rising public
debt and external donor support declines materially.

Conversely, we may raise the ratings if measures targeted at growing the
revenue base and boosting collection efficiency materially improve
Bangladesh's fiscal performance. We may also upgrade Bangladesh if the
government significantly reduces energy, infrastructure, and administrative
bottlenecks, resulting in higher investment and eventually a sustained
increase in trend growth for real per capita GDP.

The ratings on Bangladesh reflect the country's low economic development and
limited fiscal flexibility owing to a combination of constrained
revenue-generation capacity, rising debt-servicing costs, and high spending to
improve its basic infrastructure and government services. The country's
volatile political setting combined with administrative and institutional
weaknesses represent additional rating constraints. We weigh these factors
against a relatively modest external debt burden, reflecting support from
substantial donor engagement, and large remittances from Bangladeshis outside
the country.


è la somma che fa il totale...
Rating Action:
Moody's places ratings of three Italian corporates under review for downgrade; affirms rating on two issuers

30 May 2018
Milan, May 30, 2018 -- Moody's Investors Service has today placed on review for downgrade the ratings on three non-financial corporates domiciled in Italy: Eni S.p.A. (Eni), Poste Italiane S.p.A. (Poste) and RAI -- Radiotelevisione italiana S.p.A. (Rai).

At the same time, Moody's has affirmed the Baa2 rating (with a negative outlook) on Esselunga S.p.A. (Esselunga) and Baa3 rating on IGD SiiQ S.p.A. (IGD). Moody's changed the outlook on IGD's rating to negative from stable.

The decision to place the ratings on review for a possible downgrade was prompted by the corresponding action on Italy's Baa2 government bond rating. For further information on the sovereign rating action, please refer to Moody's press releases dated 25 May (Moody's places Italy's Baa2 rating on review for downgrade) and 29 May 2018 (Moody's: Italy's political crisis escalates, autumn elections likely).


Forumer attivo
Disposizioni inviate ora:
FR0011896513 GROUPAMA 28/05/2024 100.000 euro al prezzo di 112.70
XS1085735899 PORTUGAL 15/10/2024 50.000 $ al prezzo di 102.50
US87927VAM00 2034 6% 50.000 $ in area 95,40
XS1708450215 WIND 20/01/2024 TV 100.000 euro in area 85
IT0005087116 UNICREDIT 03/05/2025 TV 50.000 euro in area 99
Mediobanca 3% IT0005056483 20.000 $ area 98, Titolo quotato sul MOT
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