Obbligazioni societarie HIGH YIELD e oltre, verso frontiere inesplorate - Vol. 2 (5 lettori)


Forumer storico
Qualcuno conosce e ha in saccoccia bonds di questi garfunkelux holdco???fanno parte del gruppo Lowell leader europeo nei servizi di gestione del credito….


Forumer storico
Weatherford International ha presentato istanza di fallimento del Chapter 11 il 1 ° luglio, come previsto, secondo la documentazione presentata al tribunale la compagnia ha dichiarato un debito totale di quasi $ 8,34 miliardi e un patrimonio totale di quasi $ 6,52 miliardi,

Il piano di ristrutturazione prevede che le obbligazioni esistenti non garantite saranno scambiate per il 99% delle nuove azioni della società riorganizzata e $ 1,25 miliardi di nuove obbligazioni senior non garantite, con durata di 7 anni

Le azioni ordinarie di Weatherford saranno scambiate per l'1% di nuovi azioni e warrant triennali per acquistare il 10% delle nuove azioni "


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Forumer attivo
Mail da Ekosem :

Dear Sir or Madam,

The subscription period for our new corporate bond with a volume of up to EUR 100 million (ESA Bond III, ISIN: DE000A2YNR08 / WKN: A2YNR0) started on 28 June 2019. Our aim is to generate further funds to continue our profitable growth course in a favorable environment and to secure our medium- to long-term financing structure at an early stage.

Since the issue of our first bond in March 2012, the Ekosem-Agrar Group has dynamically developed. During this time, we have extended our dairy herd from 15,500 to around 80,000 animals, increased our annual milk yield from 84,000 tons to around 484,000 tons and more than tripled our farmland to over 550,000 hectares. Today, we are the largest producer of raw milk in Russia and Europe. Supported by the continuing excellent conditions for agriculture in Russia, we intend to use the funds from the new bond issue to finance farming operations and additional agricultural land.

The new ESA Bond III has an interest rate of 7.50% and a maturity of five years, from 2019 to 2024. The bond issue also includes a voluntary exchange offer for the investors of ESA Bond I (WKN: A1MLSJ / ISIN: DE000A1MLSJ1) due 2021 with a volume of EUR 50 million. The holders of ESA Bond I who accept the exchange offer will receive a new Bond III for each exchanged Bond I plus a cash payment of EUR 56.40 consisting of an exchange premium of EUR 25.00 and accrued interest of EUR 31.40 for the current interest period. In addition, they will be granted a preferred multiple purchase option for the Bond 2019/2024.

The subscription period for the public offer and the conversion period including the multiple purchase option will run from 28 June to presumably 26 July 2019.

We are very pleased that our new bond issue has already met with great interest among investors. For example, KFM Deutsche Mittelstands AG already announced this week that the German Mittelstandsanleihen FONDS had made a considerable contribution to our new issue and rated our ESA Bond III in its KFM Mittelstandsanleihen barometer with 3.5 of 5 starsas "on average attractive with a positive outlook".

We would like to briefly explain below how you can subscribe to the new ESA Bond III or, as a holder of ESA Bond I, exercise your exchange right and the multiple purchase option to which you are entitled:

1. Subscription of the new ESA Bond III (2019/2024) in line with the public offer

You have the option of subscribing to ESA Bond III (2019/2024) (ISIN: DE000A2YNR08 / WKN: A2YNR0) via your house bank or electronically as part of your online banking access within the offer period from 28 June to presumably 26 July 2019.

If you wish to subscribe to ESA Bond III via your house bank, please contact your account manager.

If you wish to subscribe to the ESA Bond III via your online banking account, you will find the individual steps in detail below:

  • The subscription is made via the online portal of your house bank or online bank
  • The order type is 'Buy'
  • Use the ISIN DE000A2YNR08
  • Select Stuttgart as your stock exchange
  • Select the nominal amount you want to create. The denomination is EUR 1,000 nominal.
  • Validity of your order: until the end of subscription (presumably 26 July 2019).
  • Only after allocation the bond is booked into your custody account at the issue price after the end of the subscription period.

2. Exchange of ESA Bond I (2012/2021) for the new ESA Bond III (2019/2024)

As a holder of ESA Bond I (2012/2021) who is willing to exchange his or her ESA Bonds I (2012/2021) for ESA Bonds III (2019/2024), you have the opportunity to make a legally effective offer to exchange your ESA Bonds I (2012/2021) for ESA Bonds III (2019/2024).

In the meantime, you should have received a letter and an exchange form from your house bank or custodian bank. If you have not received this form, please contact your bank advisor or, in case of online banks, the relevant hotline.

Fill out the exchange form and send it back to your house bank or custodian bank. You will find further details on the exchange in the documents of your house bank or custodian bank.

The exchange offer must be accepted within the offer period from 28 June to presumably 26 July 2019. Please note that your exchange declaration must be received by your house bank or custodian bank in time so that your exchange request can be taken into account.

3. Multiple purchase option for ESA bond 2012/2021 holders who have exchanged their bonds

As part of the bond exchange, the holders of ESA Bond I (2012/2021) participating in the exchange offer will also have the opportunity to acquire further ESA Bonds III (2019/2024).

In this case, too, you should have received a corresponding form from your house bank or custodian bank in which you can specify your subscription request. The advantage for you as a participant in the exchange offer is that your additional purchase request will be fully allocated in second place after the exchange offer, provided that there is no oversubscription.

The multiple purchase option must be exercised within the offer period from 28 June to presumably 26 July 2019. Please note that your declaration of additional purchase must reach your house bank / custodian bank in time so that your multiple purchase request can be taken into account.

The securities prospectus and further details on the bond issue can be found at https://www.ekosem-agrar.de/en/investor-relations/. In addition, our contact persons listed below will be pleased to provide you with further information and assistance.

We would be very pleased if you would make use of your exchange / multiple purchase right or your subscription option and would be happy to answer any questions you may have at any time.

Best regards

Wolfgang Bläsi

Management Member of Ekosem-Agrar AG


Membro dello Staff
Ma quando sarebbe avvenuta sta roba? Per tutti i possessori o per solo alcuni? E a che prezzi? Make whole offer?
Non ho verificato i dettagli ma la mia banca non mi ha inviato nessun documento per dare l’assenso quindi presumo che lo han fatto e basta
Mi son trovato il rimborso e 40k di bond che è penalizzante per il bh
Per questo ho scritto... ad cazzum

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