Il mercato dell'oro e la sua manipolazione


Forumer attivo
Tradotto da una presentazione di Andrew Maguire esperto trader di metalli preziosi.


Il motivo per cui i governi vogliono tenere basso il valore dell'oro è quello di far apparire in buono stato le monete nazionali. Se il valore dell'oro aumenta, ciò rappresenta un campanello d'allarme che la moneta nazionale viene gestita male e il suo potere d'acquisto sta diminuendo. Il dollaro americano è la reserve currency mondiale (moneta che viene tenuta nelle riserve degli altri stati, istituzioni, ecc.) e il governo americano è quello che ne risente di più se l'oro compete con il dollaro, pertanto esso interviene nel mercato dell'oro regolarmente. Le impronte che lasciano sono chiaramente visibili e riconoscibili e, cosa più importante, possono essere usate per tradare.
C'è parecchia prudenza in merito alla manipolazione del mercato.
Paul Volcker ha dichiarato che fu un errore che "interventi congiunti non vennero attuati per evitare che l'oro salisse troppo velocemente dopo la fine del gold standard".
Inoltre, Alan Greenspan nella sua testimonianza del 24 Luglio 1998 sostené: "Le banche centrali sono pronte a vendere oro in quantità crescenti nel caso in cui il prezzo aumentasse". Il tempismo di questa affermazione è interessante. Hanno creato il gold carry trade e nacque il cartello dell'oro.
Robert Rubian lavorava a Londra e supervisionava il trading dell'oro. A quel tempo i tassi di interesse erano tra l'8% e il 12% e il tasso di sconto per prendere in prestito l'oro era circa dell'1%.
Quando Robert diventò segretario del tesoro utilizzò questo come il fondamento della sua politica del dollaro forte. Pertanto, attraverso le banche centrali che fornivano abbastanza oro in prestito alle banche (bullion banks) al tasso di sconto succitato, essi potevano vendere l'oro preso in prestito nel marketplace, investire il capitale direttamente in obbligazioni ed ottenere un guadagno invitante ,garantito, del 7% - 12%. Inoltre, agendo come agenti delle banche centrali, sapevano esattamente quando queste vendite avrebbero avuto luogo e potevano trarne profitto vendendo massicciamente oro in corrispondenza dei livelli di resistenza principali portando il prezzo dell'oro ulteriormente più in basso.
Le banche reclutate erano Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, HSBC USA, Deutsche Bank e City Bank come membro minore. Esse agirono ed hanno agito con il sostegno implicito del governo americano per assorbire tutte le perdite sostenute da i membri del cartello.
Questo piano aveva un problema: il prezzo dell'oro aggiustato rispetto all'inflazione sarebbe circa 2400$ l'oncia. E, fin quando c'era abbastanza oro da prendere in prestito, le posizioni short potevano essere protratte (rolled over) all'infinito e la crescita del prezzo dell'oro poteva essere dimezzata.
Se consideriamo il decennio che va da agosto 2009 ad agosto 1999, il guadagno che potevamo realizzare sull'oro sarebbe stato del 270%, mentre quello che avremmo realizzato sull'SP500 sarebbe stato del
-23%. Essi non si aspettavano questo. Il problema è che parte di quest'oro che veniva preso in prestito e shortato stava andando in alcune mani molto forti ad un prezzo scontato e ed è stato accumulato da alcuni investitori, sovranazionali come anche istituzionali, molto esperti e le posizioni short stavano venendo reinvestite (rolling over) e diventando più grandi a causa di questa erosione dell'oro fisico.
Pertanto per ricomprare i contratti bisognava trovare dell'altro oro che non facesse aumentare il prezzo.

Come esempio estremo del tipo di leva che vi era più o meno ai tempi della crisi finanziaria russa, la Federel Reserve dovette salvare Long Term Capital Management: un hedge fund che usava delle strategie di trading che implicava l'uso di molta leva finanziaria. Cosa è successo in pratica è che erano così massicciamente short sull'oro che la FED ha dovuto supervisionare il salvataggio utilizzando le banche maggiori e le banche di investimento. Persero 4,6 miliardi di dollari in meno di quattro mesi e quando vi fu il salvataggio la sua posizione mediante l'utilizzo di strumenti derivati era short per circa 400 tonnellate e parte di questa posizione aveva una leva di 1:100. Ciò rappresentava un grosso problema per il cartello. E questo è avvenuto all'incirca quando c'è stata la vendita di oro da parte della banca di Inghilterra, avvenuta per caso in questo periodo. Gordon Brown si impose sulla Banca di Inghilterra, che era contro la vendita dell'oro, è vendette metà delle sue riserve su consiglio del suo amico Gavyn Davies di Goldman Sachs che, assieme ad altre banche che trattavano oro, avevano bisogno di oro fisico per evitare che il prezzo esplodesse e causasse eventualmente il loro fallimento. La cosa interessante è che l'ammontare di oro venduto dalla banca di Inghilterra era di 415 tonnellate e questa difficilmente è una coincidenza. Quindi, facendo questo passo senza precedenti di preannunciare la vendita massiccia di oro, invece di venderlo silenziosamente nel mercato in un certo periodo di tempo per ottenere il miglior prezzo, ottenne il suo obiettivo di far collassare il prezzo dell'oro permettendo alle stesse banche di coprirsi ed ottenere ulteriori ricavi derivanti dalle informazioni riservate (inside knowledge) riguardo alla posizione short che stava per essere aperta.
Io so personalmente che i partecipanti principali iniziarono a prendere posizioni short prima dell'annuncio. UBS fu abbastanza stupida da rilasciare un documento, suggerendo ai suoi clienti, 8 ore prima dell'annuncio, che l'oro avrebbe raggiunto tutto al più un prezzo di 290$.

Tratto da ZeroHedge

From: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 12:51 PM
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: Chilton, Bart [CFTC]
Subject: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez:

I thought you might be interested in looking into the silver trading today. It was a good example of how a single seller, when they hold such a concentrated position in the very small silver market, can instigate a selloff at will.

These events trade to a regular pattern and we see orchestrated selling occur 100% of the time at options expiry, contract rollover, non-farm payrolls (no matter if the news is bullish or bearish), and in a lesser way at the daily silver fix. I have attached a small presentation to illustrate some of these events. I have included gold, as the same traders to a lesser extent hold a controlling position there too.

Please ignore the last few slides as they were part of a training session I was holding for new traders.

I brought to your attention during our meeting how we traders look for the "signals" they (JPMorgan) send just prior to a big move. I saw the first signals early in Asia in thin volume. As traders we profited from this information but that is not the point as I do not like to operate in a rigged market and what is in reality a crime in progress.

As an example, if you look at the trades just before the pit open today you will see around 1,500 contracts sell all at once where the bids were tiny by comparison in the fives and tens. This has the immediate effect of gaining $2,500 per contract on the short positions against the long holders, who lost that in moments and likely were stopped out. Perhaps look for yourselves into who was behind the trades at that time and note that within that 10-minute period 2,800 contracts hit all the bids to overcome them. This is hardly how a normal trader gets the best price when selling a commodity. Note silver instigated a rapid move lower in both precious metals.

This kind of trading can occur only when a market is being controlled by a single trading entity.

I have a lot of captured data illustrating just about every price takedown since JPMorgan took over the Bear Stearns short silver position.

I am sure you are in a better position to look into the exact details.

It is my wish just to bring more information to your attention to assist you in putting a stop to this criminal activity.

Kind regards,
Andrew Maguire

* * *

From: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
To: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:04 PM
Subject: RE: Silver today

Mr. Maguire,

Thank you for this communication, and for taking the time to furnish the slides.

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: BChilton [CFTC]
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez,

Thanks for your response.

Thought it may be helpful to your investigation if I gave you the heads up for a manipulative event signaled for Friday, 5th Feb. The non-farm payrolls number will be announced at 8.30 ET. There will be one of two scenarios occurring, and both will result in silver (and gold) being taken down with a wave of short selling designed to take out obvious support levels and trip stops below. While I will no doubt be able to profit from this upcoming trade, it is an example of just how easy it is to manipulate a market if a concentrated position is allowed by a very small group of traders.

I sent you a slide of a couple of past examples of just how this will play out.

Scenario 1. The news is bad (employment is worse). This will have a bullish effect on gold and silver as the U.S. dollar weakens and the precious metals draw bids, spiking them higher. This will be sold into within a very short time (1-5 mins) with thousands of new short contracts being added, overcoming any new bids and spiking the precious metals down hard, targeting key technical support levels.

Scenario 2. The news is good (employment is better than expected). This will result in a massive short position being instigated almost immediately with no move up. This will not initially be liquidation of long positions but will result in stops being triggered, again targeting key support levels.

Both scenarios will spell an attempt by the two main short holders to illegally drive the market down and reap very large profits. Locals such as myself will be "invited" on board, which will further add downward pressure.

The question I would expect you might ask is: Who is behind the sudden selling and is it the entity/entities holding a concentrated position? How is it possible for me to know what will occur days before it will happen?

Only if a market is manipulated could this possibly occur.

I would ask you watch the "market depth" live as this event occurs and tag who instigates the move. This would surly help you to pose questions to the parties involved.

This kind of "not-for-profit selling" will end badly and risks the integrity of the COMEX and OTC markets.

I am aware that physical buyers in large size are awaiting this event to scoop up as much "discounted" gold and silver as possible. These are sophisticated entities, mainly foreign, who know how to play the short sellers and turn this paper gold into real delivered physical.

Given that the OTC market (where a lot of the selling occurs) runs on a fractional reserve basis and is not backed up by 1-1 physical gold, this leveraged short selling, where ownership of each ounce of gold has multi claims, poses a very large risk.

I leave this with you, but if you need anything from me that might help you in your investigation I would be pleased to help.

Kind regards,
Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:11 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

If you get this in a timely manner, with silver at 15.330 post data, I would suggest you look at who is adding short contracts in the silver contract while gold still rises after NFP data. It is undoubtedly the concentrated short who has "walked silver down" since Wednesday, putting large blocks in the way of bids. This is clear manipulation as the long holders who have been liquidated are matched by new short selling as open interest is rising during the decline.

There should be no reason for this to be occurring other than controlling silver's rise. There is an intent to drive silver through the 15 level stops before buying them back after flushing out the long holders.


* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: BChilton [CFTC]; GGensler [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 3:37 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

A final e-mail to confirm that the silver manipulation was a great success and played out EXACTLY to plan as predicted yesterday. How would this be possible if the silver market was not in the full control of the parties we discussed in our phone interview? I have honored my commitment not to publicize our discussions.

I hope you took note of how and who added the short sales (I certainly have a copy) and I am certain you will find it is the same concentrated shorts who have been in full control since JPM took over the Bear Stearns position.

It is common knowledge here in London among the metals traders that it is JPM's intent to flush out and cover as many shorts as possible prior to any discussion in March about position limits. I feel sorry for all those not in this loop. A serious amount of money was made and lost today and in my opinion as a result of the CFTC's allowing by your own definition an illegal concentrated and manipulative position to continue.

Bart, you made reference to it at the energy meeting. Even if the level is in dispute, what is not disputed is that it exists. Surely some discussions should have taken place between the parties by now. Obviously they feel they can act with impunity.

If I can compile the data, then the CFTC should be able to too.

I would think this is an embarrassment to you as regulators.

Hoping to get your acknowledgement.

Kind regards,
Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: Fw: Silver today

Just logging off here in London. Final note.

Now that gold is undergoing short covering, please look at market depth right now in silver and evidence the large selling blocks in a thin market being put in the way of silver regaining the technical 15 level, which would cause a short covering rally and new longs being instigated. This is resulting in the gold-silver ratio being stretched to ridiculous levels.

I hope this day has given you an example of how silver is "managed" and gives you something more to work with.

If this was long manipulation in, say, the energy market, the shoe would be on the other foot, I suspect.

Have a good weekend.


* * *

From: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 8:24 AM
To: Ramirez, Eliud [CFTC]
Cc: Gensler, Gary; Chilton, Bart [CFTC]
Subject: Fw: Silver today

Dear Mr. Ramirez,

I hadn't received any acknowledgement from you regarding the series of e-mails sent by me last week warning you of the planned market manipulation that would occur in silver and gold a full two days prior to the non-farm payrolls data release.

My objective was to give you something in advance to watch, log, and follow up in your market manipulation investigation.

You will note that the huge footprints left by the two concentrated large shorts were obvious and easily identifiable. You have the data.

The signals I identified ahead of the intended short selling event were clear.

The "live" action I sent you 41 minutes after the trigger event predicting the next imminent move also played out within minutes and exactly as I outlined.

Surely you must at least be somewhat mystified that a market move could be forecast with such accuracy if it was free trading.

All you have to do is identify the large seller and if it is the concentrated short shown in the bank participation report, bring them to task for market manipulation.

I have honored my commitment to assist you and keep any information we discuss private,however if you are going to ignore my information I will deem that commitment to have expired.

All I ask is that you acknowledge receipt of my information. The rest I leave in your good hands.

Respectfully yours,

Andrew T. Maguire

* * *

From: Ramirez, Eliud
To: Andrew Maguire
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 1:29 PM
Subject: RE: Silver today

Good afternoon, Mr. Maguire,

I have received and reviewed your email communications. Thank you so very much for your observations.

Siccome ciò che leggo implica una conoscenza specifica della materia in alcune sue parti, qualcuno dei moderatori o degli utenti più addentrati nella materia può spiegare a quelli come me cosa sta succedendo?

Il tipo il 28 Marzo ha avuto un incidente d'auto provocato da un guidatore che si è schiatanto contro la sua automobile mentre guidava la mogile.
Menomale che sono ancora vivi e hanno riportato qualche lieve contusione. La moglie ha avuto un brutto colpo di frusta da quello che ho capito.

Mi piacerebbe vedere questo thread crescere con interventi costruttivi volti a far accrescere la nostra comprensione della materia. Forse ciò ci aiuterebbe a capire anche cosa sta succedendo adesso nei mercati.

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