Obbligazioni societarie KTG Agrar DE000A1H3VN9 - DE000A1ELQU9 KTG Biogas DE000A1ML257

Ricevuto pure io , sei riuscito a tradurre ? Qui a Bologna sembra impossibile trovare un' agenzia che traduca il tedesco , sembra uno scherzo ......
Ho fatto un primo tentativo di traduzione dal crucco all'inglese, dimmi se vi fa senso:
Dear Mr xxx,

In the above mentioned insolvency procedure. I am referring to your request for insolvency registration. Please find enclosed the extract from the insolvency table (179 para. 3 para. 1 InsO) which is authoritative for you. The insolvency court instructed me pursuant to section 8 para 3 InsO to send you this table extract.

The insolvency court has only to substantiate the statements of the parties in the examination procedure. The explanations of the parties involved and the amount currently determined, which can be derived from all previous statements, can be found in section 8 of the table extract. Any reasoning or explanation of the results of the examination can be found in sections 9 and 10 of the table extract.

The determination of a claim denied in whole or in part is to be pursued by means of the legal procedure provided for in the general laws (see § 179 to 185 InsO), provided that no agreement can be reached on the contest with the declarant. The insolvency court is not responsible for this. It is therefore not useful to turn to the Insolvency Court in the event of disagreements about the rank or height of a claim.

Special features apply to claims named (see § 179 para. 2 and 184 para. 2 InsO).

If your claim for the default has been established (190 para. 1 InsO), please note:

A creditor who is entitled to a separate satisfaction shall have to prove to the insolvency administrator at the latest within the exclusion period provided for in § 189 para. 1 InsO that he has waived his or her separate satisfaction or for whom he has failed. If the proof is not kept in time, the claim is not taken into account in the distribution.

The following special note applies to bondholders of KTG Agrar SE:

Insofar as you have attached a simple proof of your claim against KTG Agrar SE (by means of a custodial deposit account etc.), your claim has been incorporated in full or in part in the insolvency table, as a deferred claim. The details can be found in the attached extract from the Insolvency Table.

Please note, however, that the following condition must be fulfilled so that your claim can be taken into account in the further course of the procedure for distributions. Until the termination of the insolvency proceedings, a special proof of the custodian bank or clearing system must be presented in text form (1 26b BGB) which bears its ownership of the bonds / bonds:

- To avoid misunderstandings, the special proof should state your full name and possibly other identification features.

- It must show a nominal value in euro of at least the amount determined in your favour with regard to the partial debentures.

- The special proof must also contain a certificate from the custodian institution, according to which the shares held by you are held blocked by the custodian institution until the insolvency proceedings are lifted.

As soon as and as often a reduction or final distribution is pending in this procedure, I will ask you in advance to submit the abovementioned special proof and provide a current valid bank account. You do not have to do anything else at the moment, I only need an updated address in case you move.
Ultima modifica:
L' "else" dell'ultima riga sottolineata mi fa sorgere un dubbio : il numero di blocco titolo e il del conto corrente lo vuole subito ? Tra l' altro ho fatto la stupidaggine di non fotocopiare il modulo precompilato inviato assieme al certificato della banca : era per caso già chiesto di indicarli lì ?
Se no , bisogna richiedere il codice blocco alla banca , il certificato indicava solo il titolo e il numero del deposito in cui era contenuto .
L' "else" dell'ultima riga sottolineata mi fa sorgere un dubbio : il numero di blocco titolo e il del conto corrente lo vuole subito ? Tra l' altro ho fatto la stupidaggine di non fotocopiare il modulo precompilato inviato assieme al certificato della banca : era per caso già chiesto di indicarli lì ?
Se no , bisogna richiedere il codice blocco alla banca , il certificato indicava solo il titolo e il numero del deposito in cui era contenuto .

Il numero di conto era già stato richiesto. Si vede che questi crucchi sono de coccio.
Cmq io ho capito che al momento non si deve fare niente. Se ho frainteso, correggetemi per favore...
Ma... Io capisco che non c'è bisogno d' inviare niente fino a che ci chiedono. Quello accaderà quando sia pronta una distribuzione, ed ci faranno sapere in anticipo.....ma non sono 100% sicuro, belin!

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