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Intanto Fitch mette sotto osservazione per una riduzione il rating di Saint Gobain. La debolezza della performance, legata all'andamento non positivo dei mercati dei materiali da costruzione e dell'automotive, dovrebbe incidere su alcuni parametri chiave per la conservazione del rating attuale, quale il leverage (che, essendo per le agenzie rapporto fra debito netto ed EBITDA, cresce alla contrazione di tale ultimo dato quand'anche il primo restasse invariato).

Buona la posizione di liquidità, rafforzata non poco dal recente adc per 1,5 mld euro, con una disponibilità di cash ed equivalenti indicata da Fitch in 1,9 mld euro ai quali si aggiungono linee di credito per 3,2 mld euro a fronte di debito in scadenza + servizio al debito lungo per 3,2 mld euro nei prossimi 12 mesi

Fitch Places Saint-Gobain's 'BBB+' Rating on Negative Watch

05 May 2009 12:44 PM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-London/Milan/Paris-05 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today placed France-based building materials group Compagnie de Saint-Gobain's (Saint-Gobain) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating of 'BBB+', respectively, on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). Fitch has simultaneously affirmed Saint-Gobain's Short-term IDR at 'F2'.

The RWN reflects Fitch's concern that difficult trading conditions in the building materials sector are likely to persist during 2009, increasing negative pressure on cash flow and operational performance.

The agency notes that Saint-Gobain recently reported a 14.8% and 14.9% decline in revenue on a reported and like-for-like basis during Q109, as a result of increasing negative market conditions.

The company's revenue was also negatively affected by adverse weather conditions in Europe and the United States, which is an inherent risk in the construction industry.

However, the agency notes that a number of players in the less seasonal basic materials universe - chemicals and steel - who are also exposed to the automotive and industrial end customer segment like Saint-Gobain, have also in the vast majority of cases reported weak Q109 financial results.

A number of basic materials companies have also issued statements underlining a continued lack of visibility, and/or profit warnings in a few cases, showing the depth of the global economic recession (please see the 31 March 2009 comment, entitled "Global Economic Outlook, 31 March 2009", for further information which is available on Fitch's subscriber website, www.fitchresearch.com).

Fitch believes Saint-Gobain's management has reacted appropriately to the current economic downturn with an action plan which includes among other measures a EUR1.5bn rights issue, significant cost cutting, optimisation of cash flow through working capital management and a curb on capex.

However, the agency is concerned that these measures may not be sufficient to offset the impact of weakening end market conditions, particularly in the construction and automotive sectors.

Fitch expects to resolve the RWN within the next two months. Over this period the agency will meet with Saint-Gobain's management and discuss and assess the likely impact of the increased cash preservation measures announced in conjunction with Q109 sales.

Fitch may downgrade Saint-Gobain's Long-term IDR by one notch if the agency believes that measures implemented by the group to cope with the deteriorating market environment are not sufficient to remain within the parameters commensurate with the present rating.

These parameters include a lease adjusted net debt/EBITDA ratio below 3x. Fitch considers Saint-Gobain's liquidity position as adequate.

At FYE08, Saint-Gobain had cash and liquid investments of EUR1.9bn (EUR1.3bn at FYE07). Saint-Gobain also had in place available committed credit lines of EUR3.2bn. Therefore, cash and available credit lines totalled liquidity of EUR5.1n at FYE08 against maturities within the next 12 months, including short term debt and the current portion of long term debt, of EUR3.3bn.

During January 2009, the group accessed the debt capital markets with a EUR1bn 5-year issue to refinance existing debt. Saint-Gobain's ratings continue to reflect its leading market positions, geographical diversification and focus on innovation.

Revenue and EBITDA totalled EUR43.8bn and EUR5.2bn in 2008.
S&P mette in creditwatch negativo il rating del produttore di materiali da costruzione Wienerberger sulla base di considerazioni circa il deterioramento della sua metrica finanziaria, in specie i parametri operanti a salvaguardia dei creditori...

Wienerberger rischia così di essere fra i big del settore a passare a rating speculativo, dopo le vicende (in realtà molto più problematiche) di Cemex e di HeidelbergCement, e si prospetta anche la possibilità di un taglio del rating di due livelli, dipendendo dalla debolezza del cash generato rispetto alla copertura del debito.

Nel Q1/2009 l'EBITDA si è sostanzialmente azzerato in quanto la rigidità dell'inverno scorno ha finito per paralizzare del tutto l'attività edificatoria su molti dei mercati di sbocco di W. Rispetto a quel risultato dovuto a fattori climatici, si dovrà vedere in che misura la ripresa si rivelerà robusta, stante anche la difficile leggibilità in questo momento del mercato in cui opera W., tuttavia per S&P difficilmente la capacità di generare cash di W. mostrerà un recupero forte prima del 2011.

S&P stima che W. riesca ad evitare di violare i covenant sul debito, o nel caso riesca ad ottenere dei waivers rispetto all'osservanza di tali covenant.

Nel mentre la posizione di liquidità dovrebbe restare adeguata nei prossimi due anni ed il discretionary cash flow essere superiore a zero.

Cresce sensibilmente la possibilità di un coupon deferral sul perpetuo emesso dalla società austriaca.

Austria-Based Brick Manufacturer Wienerberger AG 'BBB-/A-3' Ratings On Watch Neg On Weaker-Than-Expected Credit Measures

PARIS (Standard & Poor's) June 4, 2009--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services said today it placed its 'BBB-/A-3' long- and short-term corporate credit ratings on Austria-based brick manufacturer Wienerberger AG on CreditWatch with negative implications.

"The action reflects our ongoing discussions with Wienerberger's management and our belief that current challenging market conditions could require us to substantially revise down our previous expectations," said Standard & Poor's credit analyst Xavier Buffon. "The extent of changes in what we anticipate for Wienerberger's key credit measures could prompt us to downgrade the group."

Still, we continue to expect the group's liquidity to remain adequate in the next two years, as long as management successfully addresses in advance shrinking headroom under financial covenants in order to prevent any breach, which we think is otherwise increasingly likely to occur at year-end 2009.

After delivering still-solid results through first-quarter 2008, Wienerberger has since posted performances sharply hit by the housing slump in mature and developing European markets.

Consolidated EBITDA was down 17% in full-year 2008 versus the previous year, and down to almost zero in first-quarter 2009. We emphasize, however, the difficulty in reading underlying market trends, taking into consideration the impact of the 2008-2009 harsh winter compared with the unusually mild previous winter.

While true non-weather-related market conditions will only be gradually known as we move forward to summer, we think it is becoming increasingly clear across the heavy materials industry that seasonal pick up could be short of expectations and that the pace of deterioration seen in the first months of this year could significantly extend over the rest of 2009. In addition, among its rated peers, Wienerberger is in our view the most heavily exposed to potentially more volatile markets in emerging Eastern European countries.

At this stage, therefore, we think Wienerberger's key credit measures could fall more sharply than anticipated this year, and we do not see Wienerberger's overall cash generation significantly rebounding before 2011.

We intend to resolve the CreditWatch placement in the next several weeks.

"If the adjusted ratio of funds from operations to debt falls to 20% or below, without rebounding quickly thereafter, we could lower the long-term corporate credit rating on Wienerberger by one or two notches," said Mr. Buffon."

We could also reconsider the notching differentiation we apply to the group's outstanding hybrid bond, given a possible increased risk of a coupon deferral in the future.

At this point, we continue to foresee that Wienerberger's management would take steps sufficiently in advance and successfully obtain covenant waivers. We will continue to closely monitor the situation, as well as the validity of our assumption that Wienerberger can maintain discretionary cash flows at above zero
Intanto Fitch mette sotto osservazione per una riduzione il rating di Saint Gobain. La debolezza della performance, legata all'andamento non positivo dei mercati dei materiali da costruzione e dell'automotive, dovrebbe incidere su alcuni parametri chiave per la conservazione del rating attuale, quale il leverage (che, essendo per le agenzie rapporto fra debito netto ed EBITDA, cresce alla contrazione di tale ultimo dato quand'anche il primo restasse invariato).

Buona la posizione di liquidità, rafforzata non poco dal recente adc per 1,5 mld euro, con una disponibilità di cash ed equivalenti indicata da Fitch in 1,9 mld euro ai quali si aggiungono linee di credito per 3,2 mld euro a fronte di debito in scadenza + servizio al debito lungo per 3,2 mld euro nei prossimi 12 mesi

Fitch Places Saint-Gobain's 'BBB+' Rating on Negative Watch

05 May 2009 12:44 PM (EDT)

Fitch Ratings-London/Milan/Paris-05 May 2009: Fitch Ratings has today placed France-based building materials group Compagnie de Saint-Gobain's (Saint-Gobain) Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) and senior unsecured rating of 'BBB+', respectively, on Rating Watch Negative (RWN). Fitch has simultaneously affirmed Saint-Gobain's Short-term IDR at 'F2'.

The RWN reflects Fitch's concern that difficult trading conditions in the building materials sector are likely to persist during 2009, increasing negative pressure on cash flow and operational performance.

The agency notes that Saint-Gobain recently reported a 14.8% and 14.9% decline in revenue on a reported and like-for-like basis during Q109, as a result of increasing negative market conditions.

The company's revenue was also negatively affected by adverse weather conditions in Europe and the United States, which is an inherent risk in the construction industry.

However, the agency notes that a number of players in the less seasonal basic materials universe - chemicals and steel - who are also exposed to the automotive and industrial end customer segment like Saint-Gobain, have also in the vast majority of cases reported weak Q109 financial results.

A number of basic materials companies have also issued statements underlining a continued lack of visibility, and/or profit warnings in a few cases, showing the depth of the global economic recession (please see the 31 March 2009 comment, entitled "Global Economic Outlook, 31 March 2009", for further information which is available on Fitch's subscriber website, www.fitchresearch.com).

Fitch believes Saint-Gobain's management has reacted appropriately to the current economic downturn with an action plan which includes among other measures a EUR1.5bn rights issue, significant cost cutting, optimisation of cash flow through working capital management and a curb on capex.

However, the agency is concerned that these measures may not be sufficient to offset the impact of weakening end market conditions, particularly in the construction and automotive sectors.

Fitch expects to resolve the RWN within the next two months. Over this period the agency will meet with Saint-Gobain's management and discuss and assess the likely impact of the increased cash preservation measures announced in conjunction with Q109 sales.

Fitch may downgrade Saint-Gobain's Long-term IDR by one notch if the agency believes that measures implemented by the group to cope with the deteriorating market environment are not sufficient to remain within the parameters commensurate with the present rating.

These parameters include a lease adjusted net debt/EBITDA ratio below 3x. Fitch considers Saint-Gobain's liquidity position as adequate.

At FYE08, Saint-Gobain had cash and liquid investments of EUR1.9bn (EUR1.3bn at FYE07). Saint-Gobain also had in place available committed credit lines of EUR3.2bn. Therefore, cash and available credit lines totalled liquidity of EUR5.1n at FYE08 against maturities within the next 12 months, including short term debt and the current portion of long term debt, of EUR3.3bn.

During January 2009, the group accessed the debt capital markets with a EUR1bn 5-year issue to refinance existing debt. Saint-Gobain's ratings continue to reflect its leading market positions, geographical diversification and focus on innovation.

Revenue and EBITDA totalled EUR43.8bn and EUR5.2bn in 2008.

Mi e' scaduta una Saint Gobain pochi giorni fa....c'e' un bond al 16 che mi attira....ma non vorrei rischiare troppo! Meglio starne fuori???
Mi e' scaduta una Saint Gobain pochi giorni fa....c'e' un bond al 16 che mi attira....ma non vorrei rischiare troppo! Meglio starne fuori???

Al momento la situazione sembrerebbe ancora accettabile, in termini di leverage atteso e di disponibilità di liquidità (qui tuttavia va precisato che le linee di credito di cui gode S. Gobain sono "committed" e non si sa a quali condizioni sono subordinate nella effettiva disponibilità), visto peraltro che la società ad oggi ha accesso al mercato del credito (ha emesso alcuni bond in questi mesi, ma - ancora meglio - ha varato con successo un aumento di capitale, che ha apportato capitali freschi).

Buona anche la reazione del management in termini di effettuazione di tagli a costi ed investimenti e di gestione del capitale circolante, almeno ad avviso di Fitch.

Certo è fortemente esposta verso settori merceologici quali l'edilizia e l'automotive, per i quali si prospettano livelli di crescita ancora molto bassi (se tutto andrà bene) anche per gli anni a venire...

Fitch Places Saint-Gobain's 'BBB+' Rating on Negative Watch
05 May 2009 12:44 PM (EDT)
Ultima modifica:
Grazie Mark!;)
Ci fosse qualche bond piu' cortarello sarei piu' tranquilla. Certo e' che trovare cose interessanti e' proprio dura in questo periodo :titanic:
Grazie Mark!;)
Ci fosse qualche bond piu' cortarello sarei piu' tranquilla. Certo e' che trovare cose interessanti e' proprio dura in questo periodo :titanic:

Le nuove emissioni, se si riesce ad avervi accesso, non sono male... sul resto, OTC qualche cosa c'è, ma bisogna molto spigolare...
Purtroppo nessuno accesso alle nuove emissioni , e per il resto "mi batto".....o meglio....al momento direi che...." mi dibatto" :rolleyes::D:lol::rolleyes:

insomma abbiamo solo l' imbarazzo della scelta

dite che rimborsano?


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