ETC Natural Gas (14 lettori)


ciao cort
lo scomparso inizia per m
oggi ha dato segno di breve....
cmq seguiro' il tuo saggio consiglio


tu klein si capisce bene che hai una cultura storica notevole
altri possono creare ad hoc una parvenza di cultura che tanto in internet si trova tutto, basta saper cercare ed avere un minimo di furbizia.
ad ogni modo scusatemi...rientro nei ranghi e nell argomento del forum....l amato gas
amore odio si sa connubio perfetto


Forumer storico
al momento ho pochissimo lev a 0,30.. vediamo se arriva il freddo e se influisce in positivo vincendo anche questa perdita del dollaro che sta diventando quai un incubo per molti credo..


Forumer storico
HOUSTON (Dow Jones)--Natural gas futures settled slightly higher Thursday, as bargain hunters stepped into the market after prices sank on gains in U.S. inventories.
Natural gas for December delivery settled up 2 cents, or 0.5%, at $3.856 a million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
Futures had fallen as low as $3.745 a million British thermal units after the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that gas inventories rose 67 billion cubic feet in the week ended Oct. 29. That matched the average analyst estimate in a Dow Jones survey, but the injection brought supplies to just 16 bcf below a record, and was well above the five-year average of a 26-bcf increase.
But with winter around the corner, buyers will flock to gas futures whenever they sink below $3.75, said Matt Smith, an analyst with Summit Energy. Gas demand soars during periods of extreme temperatures; a hot summer boosted consumption of gas-fired electricity by air conditioners, while winter should bring a spike in home heating demand.
In the coming weeks and months, gas futures are likely to respond directly to forecast temperatures in key home heating markets, such as the U.S. Northeast.
"We're not necessarily forming a floor, but it's going to take some sort of significantly warmer weather to really push lower from here," Smith said.
As temperatures plunge, the injections will decline rapidly and switch to withdrawals as winter weather drives up demand. But in the meantime, prices will come under pressure from high storage levels.
"We see more constructive data in the weeks ahead, but weakness off this number, not strength," wrote Tim Evans, an analyst with Citi Futures Perspective in New York.
Gas supplies have soared in recent years with the development of reserves once locked away in shale rock formations. At the same time, the recession and slow recovery have limited industrial demand, so that even an abnormally hot summer wasn't enough to hold down supplies heading into the fall. Analysts aren't expecting significant cutbacks in gas drilling until well into 2011. That could prevent or severely limit the usual winter price rally.
Gas prices are about $1 a million British thermal units lower than they were this time last year


esatto m come megafono.

un giorno nn sarebbe male vedere che brutte faccie abbiamo!!!!
i vari cort klein foo jakki neo star dre duccio couti e tutti gli altri....amici del forum.
che forte sarebbe scoprire le reali sembianze di ognuno , al momento solo immaginate e create con fervida fantasia


Forumer storico
esatto m come megafono.

un giorno nn sarebbe male vedere che brutte faccie abbiamo!!!!
i vari cort klein foo jakki neo star dre duccio couti e tutti gli altri....amici del forum.
che forte sarebbe scoprire le reali sembianze di ognuno , al momento solo immaginate e create con fervida fantasia



Forumer storico
Io cerco sempre di dare fiducia alle persone... specie in un forum come questo, dove per quanto ci stia lo scherzo, parliamo sempre di denaro e di gente che per aver ascoltato i consigli folli ( di un folle...) ci ha rimesso parecchi soldi. Quindi bene prendere atto di ciò che si dice, ma poi ognuno pensi con la propria testa ( o con quella di NEO :D )




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