ETC Natural Gas (121 lettori)


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Ciao Neo ,,,,buonasera a tutti ,,,,, si è visto foo??? avremmo bisogno di un suo parere sull quando metterci short. Neo ,,,Dora e Bret ,,,non ci danno una mano ,,,sembra che abbiano un altra strada ,,,,,vero?
e chi sono Dora e Bret ?

sul gas ho solo qualche quota di SNGA serata ero in piccolo gain..

il mino l'ho chiuso... domani scorte, meglio che rimanga leggero


Forumer storico
ops.... scusa nn avevo ancora guardato stormpulse...
spero per te che almeno qualche quota sui massimi recenti l'hai liquidata

Macche ,,,,non mi cambia molto liquidare a 0.21 compenso ho fatto una delle piu gran stronz.....ho comperato etf a 0.1920 colpo di culo minimo storico ,,,, poi non ho resistito e ho venduto ,,,,,,,adesso avrei ,,recuperato un 1000 euro ,,,,azzz :wall:


Forumer storico
Dora è quasi impossibile.. quelli della costa pacifico nn ne ho mai visto 1 arrivare nel golfo.. Bret va a morire in atlantico


Forumer storico
Macche ,,,,non mi cambia molto liquidare a 0.21 compenso ho fatto una delle piu gran stronz.....ho comperato etf a 0.1920 colpo di culo minimo storico ,,,, poi non ho resistito e ho venduto ,,,,,,,adesso avrei ,,recuperato un 1000 euro ,,,,azzz :wall:

nn scherzare col fuoco.... è vero che siamo in stagione uragani, è vero che possa capitare ancora del caldo torrido e gli spiake sono sempre la realta' è altro

cmq cedere una parte a 2.1 e poi riprenderla a 1.9 nn è proprio un calcio nei C...i
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Forumer storico
nn scherzare col fuoco.... è vero che siamo in stagione uragani, è vero che possa capitare ancora del caldo torrido e gli spiake sono sempre la realta' è altro

cmq cedere una parte a 2.1 e poi riprenderla a 1.9 nn è proprio un calcio nei C...i

anche a 1.8 se crolla a 3.7 $ ma ho una sensazione ,,,,come sempre mi sbagliero' ,,,tra l altro mi hanno detto che sul sole ,,,,c era un articolo sulle forti pressioni degli ambientalisti riguardo il shale gas,,,in vorrebbe una bella contaminazione delle falde acquifere.... chissa,,,,sarebbe ora che lo levassero dai maroni.....sto shale ,,,


Forumer storico
anche a 1.8 se crolla a 3.7 $ ma ho una sensazione ,,,,come sempre mi sbagliero' ,,,tra l altro mi hanno detto che sul sole ,,,,c era un articolo sulle forti pressioni degli ambientalisti riguardo il shale gas,,,in vorrebbe una bella contaminazione delle falde acquifere.... chissa,,,,sarebbe ora che lo levassero dai maroni.....sto shale ,,,
sono anni che dicono ste cose.....

l'anno scorso quando la horizon è esplosa nel golfo e per mesi ha buttato petrolio.... a forse fatto fermare le trivellazioni ? siamo al record di 30 anni di rig aperti sul crude
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US. natural-gas inventories probably rose 61 billion cubic feet last week, more than the gain a year earlier, as higher nuclear production reduced demand for gas-powered electricity, analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg show.
Stockpiles gained 2.3 percent to 2.672 trillion in the week ended July 15, based on the median of 16 estimates. Supplies climbed 55 billion cubic feet a year earlier, according to Energy Department data. The five-year average change for the week is an increase of 67 billion.
Output from nuclear plants rose to a seven-month high on July 11 as reactors in Kansas and Pennsylvania boosted production, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Temperatures were above normal in the South, Midwest and East last week, Commodity Weather Group LLC said.
“It’s quite likely that if you have nuclear power running at a higher level, you won’t see as much natural-gas generators running,” said Peter Beutel, president of trading advisory company Cameron Hanover Inc. in New Canaan, Connecticut.
The stockpile estimates ranged from increases of 54 billion to 73 billion cubic feet. The Energy Department’s weekly supply report is scheduled for release at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in Washington.
Nuclear power generation increased to 98,276 megawatts, or 97 percent of capacity, on July 11, the highest level since Dec. 26, according to the NRC and data compiled by Bloomberg. Three of the 104 U.S. reactors were offline.
Power plants use about 30 percent of U.S. gas supplies.
Supply Report

Gas storage levels increased 84 billion cubic feet to 2.611 trillion in the week ended July 8, the Energy Department reported last week. Stockpiles were 2 percent below the five- year average and 7.7 percent below year-earlier levels.
Marketed gas production will average 65.39 billion cubic feet a day this year, up 5.8 percent from 61.83 billion last year, according to the Energy Department.
Temperatures in New York last week were above normal, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. The high was 93 degrees Fahrenheit (34 Celsius) on July 12, 9 degrees more than average.
Natural gas futures increased 34.1 cents, or 8.1 percent, to $4.546 per million British thermal units last week on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices today gained 1.2 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $4.545 at 1:32 p.m. on the exchange.


US. natural-gas inventories probably rose 61 billion cubic feet last week, more than the gain a year earlier, as higher nuclear production reduced demand for gas-powered electricity, analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg show.
Stockpiles gained 2.3 percent to 2.672 trillion in the week ended July 15, based on the median of 16 estimates. Supplies climbed 55 billion cubic feet a year earlier, according to Energy Department data. The five-year average change for the week is an increase of 67 billion.
Output from nuclear plants rose to a seven-month high on July 11 as reactors in Kansas and Pennsylvania boosted production, according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Temperatures were above normal in the South, Midwest and East last week, Commodity Weather Group LLC said.
“It’s quite likely that if you have nuclear power running at a higher level, you won’t see as much natural-gas generators running,” said Peter Beutel, president of trading advisory company Cameron Hanover Inc. in New Canaan, Connecticut.
The stockpile estimates ranged from increases of 54 billion to 73 billion cubic feet. The Energy Department’s weekly supply report is scheduled for release at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow in Washington.
Nuclear power generation increased to 98,276 megawatts, or 97 percent of capacity, on July 11, the highest level since Dec. 26, according to the NRC and data compiled by Bloomberg. Three of the 104 U.S. reactors were offline.
Power plants use about 30 percent of U.S. gas supplies.
Supply Report

Gas storage levels increased 84 billion cubic feet to 2.611 trillion in the week ended July 8, the Energy Department reported last week. Stockpiles were 2 percent below the five- year average and 7.7 percent below year-earlier levels.
Marketed gas production will average 65.39 billion cubic feet a day this year, up 5.8 percent from 61.83 billion last year, according to the Energy Department.
Temperatures in New York last week were above normal, according to AccuWeather Inc. in State College, Pennsylvania. The high was 93 degrees Fahrenheit (34 Celsius) on July 12, 9 degrees more than average.
Natural gas futures increased 34.1 cents, or 8.1 percent, to $4.546 per million British thermal units last week on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Prices today gained 1.2 cents, or 0.3 percent, to $4.545 at 1:32 p.m. on the exchange.
altra candela rossa in arrivo domani alle 16,30?

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