Tiscali (TIS) News, analisi e VERI confronti

I had the pleasure of working with Alex for one year and I was impressed about his strategic and tactical business skills, he really stand out on managing international sales, he achieved also excellent results on restructuring Brazilian operations.
It is not common to work with talented people like Alex. I had the pleasure of working wth him 5 years at Motorola Mobile Devices , where he was Global Accounts Director reporting to me. I was impressed by Alex ability to create solid relationship and intimacy with key customers, as well as to lead the sales team towards our ambitious goals. As a member and as a leader, Alex would be an asset in any team.
It has been a pleasure working with Alex throughout the setting up of a start up in the fashion business.He has been an invaluable contributor to some key steps and solutions we had to implement to allow the SME set up, start up and develop its initial growth phase: thanks to Alex contribution now the Company is on its way to fulfill the business plan which was approved by the founding partners and it's now a vital tool for the Company success.
I strongly recommend ALex for his values and for his smart approach to business.
It has been a pleasure working with Alex throughout the setting up of a start up in the fashion business.He has been an invaluable contributor to some key steps and solutions we had to implement to allow the SME set up, start up and develop its initial growth phase: thanks to Alex contribution now the Company is on its way to fulfill the business plan which was approved by the founding partners and it's now a vital tool for the Company success.
I strongly recommend ALex for his values and for his smart approach to business.

Se noti lui ha ricambiato l feedback sui loro profili….:pollicione:

perlomeno sa usare i social…..Ruggiero non esiste!

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